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~ 2 week later ~

Jeremiah Pov

So it's been two weeks and I been bored as shit. I walked into my room texting on my phone, tryna find a word. "Uggghhhh." I exclaimed as I flopped on my bed. "What's wrong stinka." Keilani said turning from her vanity to look at me. "I'm bored baby." "Text one of the boys." "I already did." I said sitting up. "Vinnie ?" she said. "With his girl." "Dre ?" "he's with Ny." "Vonte ?" "He's with Gabby." I said. She turned around.  "With Gabby ? since the fuck when." she said. "I don't know what's going on with them two. They real DL I guess. I'm surprised you ain't know." I said. "Why." "Because y'all girls, y'all gossip bout dick for fun." I said laughing but stopped when she threw a pillow at me. I looked at her. "Don't start." I said. "Anyways, what about Shay." "I ain't seen that nigga nor heard from him since ya birthday." I said truthfully. "What ! why, y'all fighting or sum ?" she said.

"Actually nah. Lemme hit him up." I sent a quick text to Shay. 'aye bro wtw today'. "Now we wait for a response. Mean while baby what you doing today." "Going out with Tania." She said. "Mmcht forget Tania. Stay wit me." I said whining like a baby. "Sorry baby but me and Tania going to the mall. I ain't have a girls day with her in a minute." I nodded as I felt my phone vibrate. 'my fault bro I'm booked today, I'm wit Kevin.' Shay responded. I rolled my eyes and locked my phone not even responding. "Mmcht."

I smacked my teeth. "Why you smackin." Kei asked. "Because Shay is busy too !" "I ain't seen him lately." she said. "Yeah cuz he be with his new friend." I said with sounding salty. "Awe you jealous bae ?" she said coming to sit in my lap. "I ain't jealous, it's just hard accepting that Shay had a life before he met me. This nigga is my best friend, but he ghosting me for this Kevin nigga." I said moving her off me and standing up to stretch.

"Wait. You said Kevin." she said concerned. "Yeah why ?" I asked looking at her as I brushed my hair. "You remember when I was telling you bout that boy from the club that gave me a ride home." "Yeah." "Well his name was Kevin." "Wait, the nigga who tried to get at you too?" "Yeah !" she said. "But before you go crazy, it could  be another Kevin." "Fuck that ! nigga I'm gon go crazy the fuck. I'll kill dat nigga." I said pulling my phone out. "We took a group picture and Shay made this nigga get in it, look dis him ?" I said showing her the picture. "Yeah." she said lowly. "Jeremiah please don't go do no dumb shit." I nodded my head. "Ight." I said smirking. "Get that smirk off ya face then." she said. I just continued to text away on my phone.

"What time you gon be back ?" I said. "I don't know like 6." I checked my clock. "It's 2 pm right now. So when you on ya way back you and Tania bring some domino's." I said. "Why ?" "Because I invited the gang over." I said smirking. "Jeremiah what you planning ?" "I believe I have a new friend I need to make baby." I said kissing her forehead. Her phone dinged. "Listen that's Tania. I need to go but you behave." she said. "Okay mom." I kissed her on the lips. "I love you baby see you later." she said. "I love you too." she walked out my room. After sitting on my phone for a little I decided to go take a shower so I can get dressed and start my day.

Kei Pov

"Hey girl wussup." I said to Tania as I hugged her. "Shit, cooling." she said. "Where Shay at ?" I said already knowing. "Girl he been with boy. Kayden, Korey, Kavon. Whatever the fuck." She said waving her hand. I laughed. "It's like they in the relationship." she laughed. "Damn so ain't nobody seeing Shay huh." "What you mean." she asked. "Well Jeremiah was just telling me how he ain't seen his boyfriend because of this Kevin nigga. Who is he sis." I said acting clueless again. But a part of me wanted to know for real where this boy came from. "Apparently he some boy from Shay old hood. They was friends for a while when he was living over there. Then he moved and Shay did too and they lost contact. Him and Shay was like Shay and Jeremiah." I nodded my in understanding. Jeremiah has the right to feel like he's being replaced. In all reality though, it was Kevin who got replaced.

We pulled up to the mall and decided to go to Victoria's Secret first. As we were looking around an employee came up to me. "Hi, my name is Crystal. Is there anything I can assist you with today ?" I looked at her and smiled. "Now how many times a day you gotta say that ?" I asked. "Somewhere between 50 to 500." She said causing me to laugh. "How much they pay you to say that." "Tuh girl not enough." she said rolling her eyes. I laughed. Then Tania came up to me not even noticing Crystal. "Girl do you think Shay woul-- oh hey ! I know you." She said facing Crystal. "Really ?" Crystal said confused. "Yeah you were at the party. Keilani's party a couple weeks ago." She said pointing to me. "Ohhhhh ! yeahhh. I remember y'all. I knew you looked familiar." Crystal said to me.

"Yeah, aren't you Vinnie's girl." Tania said. Once she asked Crystal's face kinda faltered. "Yes." she said, her voice shrinking back and getting quieter. "I- did I say something wrong ?" Tania asked. "No.. um can I help you with anything ?" she asked. Tania nodded not wanting to push any further.

"Uhhh yeah actually. I'm trying to figure out if my boyfriend would like these." Tania said holding up 2 different lingerie sets. One all black, the other baby blue with white lace. "Well where does your boyfriend get his kinks. Submission or control ?" Tania thought about it. "See because, the black will really make your skin pop and you have a nice figure so you'll look very sexy and assertive. As if when in the bed you're in control. Control is sexy. The black would make you look very dominant. Where as the blue will give you more of a softer approach. A very sexy, yet submissive freak. You'll do whatever makes daddy happy." Crystal explained. "Also whichever look you pick get some knee high stalkings to compliment it. You'll have a baby trust."

Tania laughed. "Well honestly, I like when my boyfriend is in control. He likes that too." Tania explained. "Slutty bitch." I mumbled. Tania punched my arm. "Don't make me expose ya freak ass in this store bitch. 'ooo Jeremiah, punish me daddy !'  She said mocking me. I punched her. "Well I think you should go with the blue then. And here." she handed her a white pair of knee-high stalkings. "These will bring it all together." she smiled sweetly. "If you guys are all set I'd be more than happy to ring y'all out." Crystal said. "Now how many times a day you say dat ?" Tania asked. We started dying laughing. "Aye I just asked her the same shit." I said.

We walked up to the register so she could ring us out. "When you on break shorty ?" I asked. "Actually you guys were the last customers of my shift. So after this, I'm off." she smiled. "Ight let's go. You gon chill with us." Tania said not giving her a choice. "Oh I was gonna--" "come with us, I know. Get ya stuff let's go, cmon." I said cutting her off. "Oh- okay. I'll be right back." she said. Me and Tania waited outside the store. "Okay, ready ?" she said as she walked out. "Let's go ma." Tania said.

~ Nail Salon ~

We came to the nail salon. I already had my nails done but I decided to get a refill and color change. While Tania was getting a full set and chopping it up with Crystal. I was on my phone texting my baby boy when I saw Crystal stand up to answer her phone. She walked out the store and I went to go sit with Tania. "So, what you learn ?" I asked. "I ain't know I was posed to study the bitch." Tania laughed. "Nah I mean what you learn bout her and Vinnie ? I know you seen the way she clammed up when you said his name."

"Well I didn't ask about it because it ain't my business. Although she did look a bit nervous when his name popped up on her phone just now." She said. "That's who called her." I looked back in Crystal's direction as she was flinching and pulling the phone from her ear. I assume whoever was on the other line was yelling. Now I ain't no lip reader, but I can tell when someone is saying sorry. She said it about 10 times in 30 seconds. After her long phone call, she finally came back in the store, but with watery eyes. She wasn't crying yet but was about to. "You good." Tania said. "Yeah but I gotta go. This was fun chillin wit y'all. Maybe we can exchange numbers ?" she asked.

"Of course." I took her phone putting in my number and Tania's. "Okay, I'll see y'all." she began to walk out. "Wait Crystal." she turned around. "Who was that on the phone." I asked. "Oh just my mom, she told me something about my grandma." I nodded my head looking down. "Just a word of advice.... don't start this new friendship off with lies." I said. She looked down as she nodded. "Bye girls." she said as she left.




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