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Vonte Pov

I woke up on a Monday morning, dreading the fact that niggas have school. You know I hate that shit. In middle school niggas was so ready for the weekend. Friday was the best day of the week. Now it's like, the weekend comes and that shit don't even matter. Niggas be like 'damn... niggas got school on Monday' and mind you it be a whole ass Friday. I shook my head as I forced myself up and out of bed. I got dressed, and headed down stairs. Once I was down stairs, Vinnie came down shortly after. "You ready ?" I asked. "I'm out the door ain't I." He said as he walked outside. I shook my head as I made my way to the car. "Aye look, CJ been getting bullied by some lil nigga in his grade. Some wanna be hood nigga. Gabby wants me to do sum about it and I need you and the rest of the guys to help me." He nodded. "Just to be clear, it's for Gabby and CJ, not you." He said. "Yeah, I figured that much." I turned my had around and pulled off.

~ Lunch Time ~

So we was in lunch chilling and I was waiting for everyone else to come. Everyone finally showed up and it was an awkward silence because there's still some unsettled beef between Vinnie and Jeremiah. "Wuss good y'all." I said. "Wuss good brodie. We ain't see or hear from y'all since the other day. Where you been at." Shay asked. "Handling business at home." Gabby walked to the table looking tired. I pulled to me. "What's wrong ma." I said. She shrugged my arm off her shoulder and smacked her teeth. "Nigga get off me. Keep that soft shit behind closed doors." I looked at her confused. "Aye, I asked you what's wrong witchu, I ain't did shit to you. Keep ya damn attitude." I said. "I will nigga. Are you done now." She said putting her head down. I just looked at her then looked around the table shocked. "Well... how's everyone's day going." Tania said tryna brighten the mood. Nobody answered. "So everyone got a stick up they ass ?" Shay said. I laughed. After a few moments of awkward silence Vinnie spoke up. "I had a seizure."

Everyone looked at him and I just out my head down. "You what ?" Keilani said. "The night me and Jeremiah got in a fight. I was angry and frustrated. I got home and began to cry. Vonte was giving me a hug and then I blacked out. I don't remember much after that. Just waking up in the hospital." He said nonchalantly. "Why are you acting as if that's something regular." Shay said. He shrugged. "Because it is. It's happened twice before." He said. I watched as Jeremiah looked at him. I saw the internal debate of if he should swallow his pride or should he clutch onto it. "How come you never told us this happened. We haven't heard from y'all in two days." Nyema said. At the same time me and Vinnie spoke. "A phone works both ways." we said. "He had a seizure, sorry he couldn't send a quick text. I was busy taking care of him and myself, my fault I ain't call you." I said sarcastically. I could tell the hostility in my voice threw them off. "Aye man she ain't mean it like that." Dre said. "Yeah whatever." I said. Shay smacked his teeth.

"Ight lil niggas, we gon cut the bullshit now. Preteend the girls ain't here for a second. Look at us. Since fucking 3rd grade, y'all been a group. Granted I came a lil late but look at it like this. You all had each other as brothers before I stepped in. I hate when I gotta step up and big brother all you niggas when I'm the newbie. Y'all had each other before y'all had me, now we all got each other. The 4 of you dumb niggas are all my brothers from different mothers. You know what brothers do ? fight. They disagree, they say and do hurtful shit. Brothers also never forget that they are brothers. We may not be blood but blood don't make y'all my family. Our bond do nigga. Y'all realer then half my actual family. All this dumb ass beef and negative energy y'all got, that shits dead... like, yesterday." He said. I sighed. "We may fight but y'all know how I'm coming bout y'all." I said. Dre nodded. "Fasho." he said dapping me and Shay up, then me and Shay gave daps, then everyone else dapped each other up except for Jeremiah and Vinnie.

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