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Jeremiah POV

"Everything you said earlier in the court yard in front of everyone.... were you being serious or were you just trying to get a reaction outta me ?" "Yes, I was very serious. This whole no strings attached shit we got going on ain't it." See Jessica is a white girl, but she not WHITE WHITE. Her skin got some color and it's natural. 

She thick. Nice everything. She has a nice New York accent that makes her sound so hood and it sounds good, the type of voice you wanna hear all the time. And to top it off she has  tattoos. My favorites are, the phases of the moon running down her spine and a rose on the back of her right hand. Idk know the meaning behind them but they look nice.

"But we know nothing about each other. I only know your name and your body." I say. "Well I know about you. I observe and I learn. You never tried to get to know me." "That's fair, so let's start small. Tell me bout ya tattoos. What's the meaning behind them." She looks down and smiles. "The phases of the moon are for my niece Luna. She died from an asthma attack when she was 7. 3 weeks after her birthday 2 years ago. She would've been 9. I just got this tat about 6 months ago." She looked down as she blinked quickly, playing with he fingers.

I reached out and held her hands. "Damn.. I'm sorry for your loss, but no bullshit that's dope. I respect it." I hugged her. "Thank you. Now this rose right here is for my grandmother. Her favorite flower was a rose, her name was Rosalinda, and when she passed we buried her wit mad roses." She smiled as she caressed the rose. "I loved my nana. She is the only person I spoke Italian with. We was wild close."

"Pause you speak Italian." She looked up and laughed. "I mean yes, my family is from Italy." "Since when." "Let's see." She began to count on her fingers. "Since uhhhh the day I was born." I gave her a really nigga look and she busted out laughing. "My father is the Italian one." "So what's your mom ?" "African-American. Or just, black to be simple." I looked at her shocked. "That's where you get the hood from, ya moms is black." I said laughing. "Nahh chill, my moms is very classy, she is where I get my culture from, but the hood, I get that from my uncles and stuff. See my parents are divorced, during the separation my dad moved out here to the suburbs for a 'better life' and what not. Whereas my mom moved in with her brothers who lived in the Bronx. So I would often spend a lot of time around her and my uncles and my cousins. We, meaning my cousins and uncles, would always get into reckless shit."

"I was in the streets everyday.My mom got tired of my behavior and said if I don't switch it up she gon' boot me ta my pops. I wasn't tryna do all that so I behaved for a little. Then I met this one kid that ended up getting me into some legal trouble that I can't speak too much about. His name was Kevin. He ended moving away for whatever reason, anyway yeah. I got in some trouble but I beat my case. Even though I beat it my parents weren't having it. So my mom packed my shit up along with the help of my dad and boom. Now I'm here." She sighed. "I still keep in contact with my mom and them, although my mom moved to Florida about 2 months ago for a better job. My dad and I visit her when possible. She has a new life, boyfriend, shit even kids. The dude she messing with got like 3 sons around our age. One is 20, another 17, and the last one 15. My parents are cool. They had a peaceful divorce." I nodded my head. 

"It's nice to hear that. I guess since we telling life stories, I'll go." I smiled. "My dad... he um, he was never really a good dad to me growing up. He was always working, never home, never really cared. It was me, my dad, and mom around the house. I remember that nigga used to come home drunk and beat my ass. Whenever my mom tried to take me and leave he said he'd kill me before she got the chance. He was always out, cheating on my mom. Once my mom announced that she was pregnant with my baby sister Tamia, he denied everything and said she wasn't his. He was really out his mind. One day I was sitting watching my sister and he came down and he was like 'hey where ya moms at', I told him I didn't know." 

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