Chapter Eight: Welcome to the team

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"Y/N! Jesus, wake up!" You heard Jesse shout. You slightly opened your eyes to see Jesse standing over you with irritation painted on her face.

"Woah, look who decided to wake up, it's 10:00 in the morning...."

"So? That's really early..." You said grudgingly.

"No it's not, come on, I want you to meet some people...Wear your armour."

I threw my arm over my eyes and sighed, finally sitting up.

----------Time Skip-----------

You walked out of the bathroom wearing your armour, looking at Jesse, waiting for her to talk.

"Dang, I wish my armour was that cool..." She said.

You walked over to the fridge and pulled out leftovers from yesterday.

"So where exactly are you taking me?" You asked before taking a bite. 

"To meet my friends at S.T.A.R. Labs, the ones who I took coffee to a couple of weeks ago."

"Oh right...." You said, still eating.

Jesse grew impatient, so you quickly finished off your food, and the two of you headed out, walking towards the large circular building. 

When you got there, Jesse led you down a corridor and into a room that was just underneath the museum. This room was already filled with people bustling around, a woman with orange hair stood at the desk talking with another who had dark brown hair down to his shoulders. On the side stood a man with a detective badge talking a boy who looked about yours and Jesse's age. Finally in the center of the room stood a tall man with brown hair and green eyes, who was arguing with a another man who had blonde hair, both being yelled at by a woman with dark flowing hair. 

Everyone suddenly stopped talking and turned towards the corridor when you and Jesse walked in. The man who was talking to the orange-haired girl at the desk put his hands on his head. "Jesse, who the hell is this? You can't just bring random people in here."

Jesse walked further into the room and gestured for me to follow. "She's not random. this is my best friend, Y/N."

"So?" The man said, clearly irritated. 

"So, she has powers too, that's why she's wearing the armour."

"Wait what kind of powers?" The taller man asked.

Jesse nudged you. You looked at the man and began listing off your powers. When you were done, everyone was astonished. 

"Woah...." The orange-haired girl mumbled.

"Well then since you have powers and are Jesse's best friend, it seems only right to welcome you to the team." The tall man said smiling, shaking your hand.

"Woah wait, we don't know what she's like, she could be evil." The woman standing next to him said.

"Iris....." The taller man mumbled.

"No Barry, with Savitar around, this could be a trap." Iris said concerned.

Barry looked over at you. "I swear I'm not evil...." You said reassuringly.

"See?" Barry said to Iris. Iris scowled. "How do we know she's not lying Bare?"

You heard an annoyed sigh come from the other side of the room and decided to say something to Iris. "I can assure I'm not a bad, evil person, I wasn't raised like that."

Iris didn't budge. "Look, my dad's Aquaman, if there's anyone who can teach a person how to be kind and considerate, then it's my father, I'm really not a bad person."

Iris gave a weak smile and nodded.

"Right so, let's introduce everyone..." Jesse said clasping her hands together.

You learned the girl with orange hair was Caitlin Snow, she had ice powers and an alter ego known as 'Killer Frost.' The man next to her was Cisco Ramon, he had an alter ego called 'Vibe.' The older man with the badge was Detective Joe West, Barry's foster father and Wally's and Iris's biological father. The boy standing next to him was his son Wally West, alter ego Kid Flash, and boyfriend of Jesse. The tall man was Barry Allen, the one and only Scarlet Speedster or Flash and the woman next to him was Iris West his girlfriend. The final person was Julian, he works alongside Barry at CCPD and helped out Caitlin when there were injuries.

You looked around the room and smiled. Now this is where you belong...

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