Chapter Twenty-Seven: No longer enemies

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In the days that followed, Team Flash began to warm up to Savitar or Barry as you now called him. They got used to him enough that they let him help with ideas to stop new Meta-humans that arrived every day. You were happy about it and since everything was finally moving in the right direction you decided to approach the matter that had been eating at you...Patching things up with Iris.

You walked into S.T.A.R. Labs with Savitar. 

"Hey, I'm going to try to fix things with Iris today, so I'm leaving you here by yourself. Is that okay?" You asked concerned. Savitar nodded.

"I'll be fine. I'm pretty sure no one will try to bite my head off while you're gone, but you never know, I mean with you gone, they have nothing to fear." He added making you chuckle.

"You think they fear me?" He smirked. "Of course, you should see yourself when you get angry." You playfully rolled your eyes and headed out to find Iris. You walked into the training area a moment later and spotted her in the corner of the room talking to Barry.

"Hey Iris, have a second?" You asked. Iris looked over at you and nodded before getting to her feet and walking over to you.

"What's up?" She asked.

"I just wanted to know if you'd wanted to get coffee and maybe talk..."


"About everything that's happened. I want to try to patch things up, I feel guilty that you're the only team member whose trust I haven't earned." You replied. Iris nodded.

"Do you want to go now?" She asked. 

"If that's okay." She nodded and the two of you headed towards Jitters.

----Time Skip----

You sat at the table across from Iris with a mug of coffee in your hands.

"So...Where should we begin?" She asked awkwardly.

"How about first I apologize. I know I said 'sorry' the other night, but that doesn't feel like enough-" You began.

"No Y/N, it's me who should apologize, I acted irrational and crazy." You chuckled.

"What crazy? No..." Iris smirked. "Okay maybe more than crazy."

"Yeah but I'm fine now...I've kind of just pushed that aside and moved on." You replied reassuringly.

"So are we good then, we can push that part of us in the past now?" She asked. You nodded.

"Yeah because to be honest, all of that was pretty energy draining." Iris nodded and chuckled.

"It really was. So now that we're past the awkward hateful stage, can we move onto being friends?" She asked. 

"I'd like that." You replied. She smiled. "Great, so what are we going to talk about now, I told Barry I wouldn't be back until one and it's only twelve." You shrugged.

"We could talk about boys. I mean I literally have no one to talk to about mine with." Iris giggled.

"Me neither, let's do it."

A half an hour later

"Wait-So you haven't kissed Savitar yet and it's been how long?" Iris asked surprised. You shook your head and brushed a strand of hair out of your face.

"I haven't really found the right time to." Iris shook her head, but then suddenly perked up. "I have an idea."

"Okay..." You said unsure.

"So every year, my family has a Christmas party, the West's Christmas Party. We invite our closest friends and just hang out. Now here's what I propose, you come to the party and bring your man. I'll set up mistletoe somewhere outside and when you guys go out there and stand under it, you'll have to kiss. It's the perfect moment for that first kiss." Iris said eagerly.

"But why are we going to go outside? I can't just randomly want to go stand out in the cold."

"Well you can say you wanted to looked at the night sky with him."

"Okay...Also, won't it be awkward for everyone if Savitar is there?" Iris shrugged. 

"He's clearly shown he's changed these last couple of days so, I don't think so." You looked at Iris questioningly.

"You're serious about inviting me to the party? I don't want to make it weird."

"You won't. Besides Y/N, your my friend now and I want to help you." You smiled.

"Okay, but first you have to tell me about this mistletoe that forces people to kiss each other." Iris moved back in her chair.

"Literally Y/N, it's like you've been living under a rock."

"Not a rock, just a giant ocean."

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