Chapter Eleven: My head....

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In the weeks that followed, everything began to spin way out of control. Barry saw a future moment where Iris got stabbed by Savitar, Wally got sucked into the speed force, but you got him out only by replacing him with Earth 3's flash, Jesse left to go protect Earth 3, Caitlin was in trouble with her alter ego, oh and Barry and Iris got engaged. Everything around you had begun to fall apart. Everything you had known before was slowly falling apart and you had no one to turn to except for H.R. who you had met a couple weeks after you joined the team. 

"Hey Y/N. what are you up to?" H.R. asked. You had just walked in with two coffees, handing him one, you spoke. "Honestly, I don't know....I've had this horrible headache all freaking morning and the Ibuprofen will not work." You said grudgingly. 

"Sorry to hear that, have you tried the doctor?" He asked concerned. You shook your head. 

"They have no openings today." 

"Well why didn't you take the day off?" 

"Well someone has to help Barry and with Wally still shaken up, it can't be him."

H.R. nodded just as Cisco walked in with Caitlin. This was the morning team, you guys actually stayed there all day because none of you had day jobs, you had a night job, but you weren't sure about the others. During the day, you would go out and fight crime, usually with Wally, who wasn't right at the moment, with Cisco, Caitlin, and H.R. in your ear. 

"Are you ready Y/N?" Cisco asked. You nodded and went to the first address Cisco gave you, which was a bank robbery. You took the men down and did what Barry usually did to keep them in place until the police got there. The entire rest of the afternoon, you fought that painstaking headache and it only grew worse.

----Time Skip----

"Who even are you?" The woman shouted as she aimed her gun at you. 

"Tempest, probably your worst nightmare." You said as you ripped the gun out of her hand just as she pulled the trigger, sending it into your knee. You let out a groan and punched the woman in the face, knocking her out like you'd done to the rest of her team.

"Ten points to Y/N, good job!" You heard Cisco yell through the ear piece, flinching at the pitch he used. "Alright, Barry's here, so head back and we'll fix you up." He said and you did as he said, running back to S.T.A.R. Labs.

When you got back, you saw Iris standing at the desk with concern painted all over her face. "What's wrong?" You asked. 

"Barry didn't wait for you and he ran after Savitar again..." She said, clearly distressed. You rubbed your head. "Cisco, pull up the street cameras, so I can see how bad it is." Cisco nodded and pulled up the cameras. You looked at them, seeing Savitar standing across from Barry. You were about to head over there when a horrible pain shot through your head, knocking you to the ground. "Ahh..." You groaned. 

"Oh my gosh....Are you okay?" Cisco asked running over to you. You shook your head, your face turning red from the pain. 

"Guys...Somethings happening to Savitar..." Iris said looking back at you. "Like what's happening to Y/N..." Cisco helped you up and turned you towards the screen where Savitar was falling to the ground clutching his head. Barry acted quick and ran for Savitar, picking him up and zooming away. In an instant he was standing in the lab with an unconscious Savitar. You looked over at Savitar and fell to the ground, everything going back, hearing only a few seconds of the cries from your friends.  

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