Chapter Fifteen: She knows where he is

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You were sitting in the medical room with Caitlin, shaking, everyone else had gone home. You had no idea what to do, on one hand you wanted to go to Savitar, but on the other you wanted to go home and just sleep. You looked up at Caitlin.

"Cait....I know I'm asking a lot, but can you please tell me where Savitar's place is?" You asked quietly. Caitlin shook her head. "I don't know, I'm sorry." You looked down at your hands and then back up at Caitlin. 

"But she does..." Caitlin's face retorted into fear. "No, no I can't, if she takes over, I don't know what will happen..." 

You looked at her pleadingly and showed her your wrist. "Please, I have to find him, then maybe I can convince him to stop his plan." Caitlin looked at you uneasily. "Cait please, I know Killer Frost is working with him, so she knows where he's at...I know becoming her is hard, but do this for the team, or to save Iris." Caitlin gulped and then nodded her head. She ripped her necklace off and began transforming into her alter ego.

"Hello Y/N." She said before looking down at her clothes. "Ugh! What am I wearing?" You stood up and looked over to Killer Frost who looked back at you smirking. She stepped out and began to walk towards the door. 

"Come on Y/N, we have to go find your boyfriend..." She said venomously. You looked at her and inhaled uneasily. 

----Time Skip----

Killer Frost had led you to a building, abandoned a long time ago, on the other side of town. You continued to follow her until you stood in a dark room, that had chipped paint and dirty grey floors. "Over there." She said nodding towards another door. You looked over at her.

"Are you not coming?" You asked furrowing your eyebrows. "Of course not Y/N, I have other things to do, like I don't know, rein terror on Central City." She added smirking.

"Whoa, don't do that." Killer Frost rose her lips into a monstrous smiled and whipped around walking off. What have you done? Is she actually going to rein terror on Central City?

You pushed that thought out of your head and decided to deal with it later, seeing as you couldn't do anything at the moment. You carefully pushed open the door and saw Savitar standing over a table, looking down. 

"Savitar..." You said quietly. He turned around slowly and smiled. "I knew you'd come..."

"Yeah well, you didn't exactly make it easy, I had to ask Killer Frost for help." You added, a bit annoyed.

"Sorry, I didn't really think it was safe to tell you where I'd be with Iris so close..." He moved closer to you. "I felt how irritated you got when Iris touched my scar..."

"You felt?" Savitar nodded. "It's like when each other's names got put on our arms, our souls connected, and we suddenly became able to feel what the other was feeling." 

"And what are you feeling now?" You asked, not having the guts to look him in the eyes. Savitar walked closer to you and lifted your chin, so that you were looking him in the eyes. "Joy...For once in my life, I feel happy."

You smiled. "Me too...Savitar I-" You began but stopped. "You what?" He asked squinting his eyes and cocking his head. You thought about your next sentence and decided it was too early to say what you really wanted to say.

"Am just really happy I found you." You said smiling. Savitar smiled too, this time placing his hands on your head and kissing your forehead. Unlike the last time you touched, a volcano erupted, spilling butterflies everywhere in your stomach. 

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