Stay With Me

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"DALLY!!!" I screamed. I ran over to the Soc. I felt a stinging sensation in my leg, but I punched and knocked out the Soc. I ran over to my bike that had a phone in it. I called 911 and ran over to Dally. "Baby, please be okay." I said through tears. Dally lifted his hand up and put it to my cheek. Then he kissed me. The ambulances arrived and put Dally in a stretcher. They then examined me. "We need to get this girl in an ambulance." One said to the other. I was confused. I didn't get shot...Did I? I looked down at my leg. It was bleeding pretty bad. "I'm fine." I said. I got up and tried to walk but I fell right into the paramedic's arms. "Yeah, you need to come with us." I nodded my head in agreement. I didn't even think about myself getting shot. I thought of Dally. I hoped he would be okay.

Dally's POV

Everything was blurry as they carried me into the hospital on a stretcher. It was like everything was in slow motion. I looked next to me. Angel was being carried on a stretcher next to me. Angel looked like an actual angel. I reached over to Angel's stretcher touched her cheek and gave her a small sad smile before the doctors took me into a room that Angel could not enter. I think Angel has gotten stabbed and shot more times than I can count. What's a little gunshot wound going to do to me?

Angel's POV

When they took Dally into the room I could not enter I started to hyperventilate. This has never happened to me before. I was clawing for air when the doctor pushing the stretcher pulled something out of his pocket. An inhaler. Great. I thought. I haven't used an inhaler since I was like, 8. I took the inhaler and instantly felt better. But, you know what didn't feel better? My damn leg. It hurt like hell. And, on top of that, the doctors told me I had a fracture in my ankle. How did that happen? I have no clue. They gave me a boot, cleaned and healed my cut, and sent me off. I wasn't going to leave though. I was going to stay with the man I loved. Dally. 


Two Hours Later


I fell asleep in a chair in the waiting room when I heard someone yell, "Angel!?" It was my mom. She was working and she ran over to me and engulfed me in a deep hug. "Baby, what happened?" I started for a couple seconds trying to gather my thoughts. "Carly was, uh, raped. And Dally and I wanted revenge. So we went to Bob's house and spray painted his car. Bob came outside. I knocked everyone out except for one soc who had a gun. He shot Dally in the stomach, and shot me in the leg. Somehow I not only got injured because of the gunshot, but I fractured my ankle so now I am  in this." I said gesturing towards my boot. "Oh baby let's get you to Carly's house and we can visit Dally in the morning. He is sleeping, so we can come early before he wakes up." My mom said. "Thanks mom." I smiled. 

My mom and I got home. I instantly ran to my room. Despite all the crazy things going on in my life, as soon as my head hit the pillow, I fell asleep into a peaceful slumber. 

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