Love is Complicated

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America's POV

I walked inside. I needed to find Aspen. I knew that he was off right now. I finally find him in his room talking with another guard.

"Hey Aspen. Can I talk to you?" I ask and slowly walk up to him and his friend.

"Yeah of course Mer." He looks at his friend and his friend leaves with a smile and a wave good bye.

"It's about... Lucy." I say slowly while sitting down on Aspen's bed.

"Oh. What about her?" He asks concern glazing his eyes.

"I know it's a lot to ask, but will you stop talking to her? Like 100% stop?" I look down. I know I'm asking a lot of him.

Aspen coughs a little and then lifts my head up to meet his eyes. "Of course. Anything you want." He says and gives me a tired smile.

"Thank you." I say and give him a quick kiss. He takes me in his arms and we just stay there. In each others arms. Together.

While I'm laying in my bed that night, millions of thoughts are crossing my mind. I'm thinking about Maxon, Kriss, Aspen, Lucy... just everyone. Even Kamber.

I miss Kamber so much. If she was here she would tell me what to do. She wouldn't tell me to run into Aspen's arms, she would tell me to listen to my heart. Why was I shutting out Lucy? Was it really because I thought she was a threat to Aspen and my relationship? Or was it because I'm jealous. Am I jealous about Lucy and Aspen's love for each other? That I'm not the only girl in Aspen's heart anymore?

What if I am making the wrong choice? Wait. I can't be making the wrong choice. Maxon took his father and Kriss's side. He didn't take my side. He must really love Kriss. He loves Kriss more than me. He always has or else he wouldn't have chose her.

My questions and thoughts lull me to sleep. I felt so tired and so powerless. I needed my rest.

Maxon's POV

Kriss and my father have convinced me to sleep with Kriss in a bed. I mean the sleep sleep. Nothing happening but sleeping in this bed of ours. Kriss gets up everyday before me and goes to bed after me every night.

She's starting to act really weird. I feel like she's hiding something. But I don't know what.

I lay in bed with Kriss by my side. She thinks I'm asleep so she starts to fall asleep. She's got it all wrong though. I'm wide awake. Thinking.

America. Why did I push her away? She probably thinks I'm such a horrible guy. She probably thinks that I'm just like my dad. Which in this case I don't want to be like my dad. I love America. That will never change. But the real question is "what will I do?"

"Huh sweetheart? What did you say?" Kriss says sleepily beside me.

"Oh nothing just some mumbling to myself. That's all. Don't worry. Go back to sleep." I say and pat her head awkwardly. She closes her eyes and drifts back to sleep.

Aspen's POV

Stay away from Lucy. Never talk to Lucy again. Don't even look at her, it will be too hard to bare.

I repeat these lines in my head. How could I stay away from Lucy though? I do love Lucy. But how much? I love America also, but where will I draw the line of who I let America let me hang out with? I know America has her reasons for wanting Lucy out of our lives. But how will I cope with Lucy out of my life? Not well I suppose. I'll have to try though. I just have too. America means everything to me.

At least I think she still does...

I push that sentence far back into my mind. Don't. Think. Like. That. Aspen.

I haven't even talked to Lucy for a whole week so far. I'm doing...not so good. Yes. America listens to me, but I feel like Lucy is really getting me. She understands me and sees right through me.

America, she is so great and kind but I feel her love is somewhere else. I know and she knows that we will always love each other no mater what. America will always be in my heart, and I will always be in hers. But right now I fear that someone else has more of my heart then her. And her name is Lucy.

I do love America. But I also love Lucy. What the heck will I do...?

Lucy's POV

Aspen hasn't talked to me for quite some time. I'm getting worried. Does he not want to be my friend anymore? What have I done- well I know the answer to that. If only all three of us could get along like the selection days!

Oh I don't know how to explain how much I miss America. We used to laugh and joke and I always shipped her with Maxon and then she would yell at me. Oh the good old days were really good.

I needed to know why Aspen wasn't talking to me. I just had to know. So I went down to the wing where the guards sleep. I sneak into his room he shares with his friend, roger and then I sit on the edge of his bed and lightly shake him. He slowly opens his eyes and looks at me.

"Lucy?" He asks sleepily.

"Aspen we need to talk right now!" I say while he itches his eyes and sits up.

"About what?"

"Us." I say quietly so we don't wake roger.

"There is nothing to talk about because there is no us anymore." He says bluntly and falls back on his bed.

"Hey! Don't speak like that. I don't mean romantically, I mean friend wise. You haven't been talking to me you have not even looked my way! What's wrong?" I move my hand so I'm holding his. He doesn't move his own hand and just let our hands rest there.

He's silent for a minute until he says quietly, "You should go. America doesn't want me talking to you anymore." What he said hit me like a truck loaded with bricks and first it hit me and then the bricks crushed me. "I'm sorry." He adds after I don't reply.

"No. No. No I get it. If I were America I would probably ask the exact same thing. I get it. I do. Really." I fake smile and pull my hand from his. I get up from the bed and make my way towards the door. Now I knew where I stood.

"Wait Lucy!" Aspen says quickly before I can twist the door knob open.

"Yes Aspen?" I ask and turn to him. Curiously burning in me.

When I look at him he is sitting back up in his bed. He reaches his arm out like he can't fully grab ahold of what he is doing. "Don't leave please. I know America might not be happy, but I need to know- to spare my feelings and to spare both yours and America's. I want you to know that I love you Lucy." He says and lays back down and looks up at the ceiling.

I nod slowly and tears fill my eyes. "I love you too, Aspen." I finally say and open the door and close it softly behind me. I take off running once I'm out of the wing. Tears falling out of my eyes. I couldn't see a thing. That's how I bumped into the one and only King. King Maxon.

How do you feel about Aspen's confession to Lucy? What do you think will happen between the two of them? What about America and Maxon? How will they work things out? What will America do once she finds out that Aspen is going to talk to Lucy again? I really hope you guys are enjoying this story so far! It's been so fun to write! And just a little note: the story isn't that close to being done. I'm estimating about 15 or so more chapters. It depends how much I go into detail and how much info I stuff into each chapter. I hope not to make it to 100 chapters but if I have too I will. Please please comment and vote!!

I will post again on 7/14/18

Spoiler: Maxon and Lucy talk. Maxon questions his marriage with Kriss.

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