Chapter 3 ~ is this real?

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I get woken up by the abrupt shaking and loud buzzing of my phone. It is 6:35 and I can't keep my eyes open. I have to be out the house by 7:30, so I don't have that long to get ready, but like all mornings I wake up and go on twitter.

I see that I have 1 dm and 2 notifications. I got a notification sayings that "Joe Suggs number one fan" followed me and then someone retweeted one of my tweets. I follow them back being the nice person I am, even though they are lying because I am clearly Joe's number 1 fan pfft.

I then check my dm's and I always get really nervous when I check my dm's after I send joe a dm, even though 95% of the time it is not him.

I click it anyway with my heart racing and I see that the dm is from Joe Sugg.

Joe. Dmed. Me.

This cannot be real life. I look at it and cry.

"Good luck my sweetheart. You will smash it, sweet dreams:)xx"

"My sweetheart" HE CALLED ME HIS F-ING SWEETHEART ASMFKR. I am fan girl-ing to the max.

This is why I love joe, no other youtuber/celebrity would do this. They wouldn't dm fans telling them good luck would they!

I go to tweet it, but then I have second thoughts. I don't want everyone knowing that joe dmed me. I want to keep it quiet. He dmed me because it is in private, so I want to keep it private.

But I still want joe to know that I appreciated it.

"Best morning surprise ever."

I then have to reply to joe and although I want to spam him saying "I LOVE YOU SO MUCH I CANT BELIEVE YOU DMED ME OMG AND FMEKDLFKEKKEKXJD IM FREAKING OUT"

I don't want Him to think I am weird, so I dm joe back saying "thank you so much Joe, hope you have a good day!xxx" and hit send.

Still in shock I get ready in only half an hour, before I need to leave for work.

I live out in the country, but my work is based in the city, so it takes me a good 45 minutes to an hour to get there.

With all the excitement I forgot how scary the first day of work is going to be.

Meeting all new people and learning loads of new skills.

Oh gosh.

Oh well!

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