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Daisy's P.O.V

As I walk back to the office I am still gob smacked by what had just happened. I had just met my idol and he says he loves me and that I was pretty.

As I approach the office, it starts to sink in and I have a little dance outside, before stepping into the office and being all polite and proper again.

"Did you get lost? You was gone for ages" Dan says as I walk in the door.

"It's only up the road, I mean it would be hard to get lost, no no I just bumped into someone. Sorry I'm late." I say in reply.

I sit down at my desk and quickly get my phone and go on twitter.

"ASXMFMFOEOWJDMT I JUST MET JOE FMFMFMRJDKFKE SUGG AJDFNFJDJEKSJJDJDEJEKDI" I tweet and then quickly out my phone away before I get caught.

I couldn't concentrate for the rest of the day. All I kept thinking about was Joe and him calling me pretty. He said he was going to dm me tonight asmfkrkdks.

The rest of the day was such a drag. All I wanted to do was go home and go on twitter. I didn't care about insurance.

"Daisy, DAIsy, DAISY" I hear dan shouting at me.

"Oh yes sorry" I say shaking out my day dream.

"Do you think you will be able to do this?" He says to me.

"Yeah sure why not" I say to him.

When everyone has stopped teaching me things, and they give me tasks to do, I open up my desk draw and check my phone, my mentions are going CRAZY.

Why am I getting all these notifications saying so and so have retweeted a tweet I was mentioned in.

"So lovely to bump into @SuggsCookie in sainsburys today. She is so pretty;) everyone convince her to put the selfie of us up"


I almost scream at my desk. I can't believe this. It is all so overwhelming.

I look at my computer screen and try to figure out home to do this since I was in a day dream when he was teaching me.

I just put a few numbers in here and there. That will have to do.

It is now 5:15 and it is time to go home.

I get up and shout "BYE" as I leave the office.

They all probably think I am so rude. It's not my fault.

I need to get into bed and find out about Joe.

Now just for a 45 minute drive out of town with my dad.

It was the most boring thing ever. I have also used up all my 3G so I couldn't even go on the internet.

Me and my dad make small talk the whole way home. I was itching to get out the seat and into my bed.

"So how was your first day at work?" My dad asks me.

"It was amazing. The best day ever." I reply with a massive grin in my face.

"Sarcasm?" He says looking confused. Insurance really isn't that amazing.

"Of course not." I say. He looks confused but shakes it off.

Joe Sugg: I've fallen for a fanWhere stories live. Discover now