Chapter 11 ~ i got his number?!

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Daisy's P.O.V

Our date was coming to an end as I had to get back to work and I have already been out for longer then I should have.

"I'm just gonna go to the loo and then we can go" Joe says as he stands up and walks to the toilets.

I get out my phone and go on twitter.

I tweet "Is this real life?😏😳😍"

I couldn't believe that I was on a date with joe sugg! my idol.

"Well it is real life and you better believe it" I hear joe say in my ear making me jump out of skin.

"Don't do that you cheeky little shit" I say hitting him on the arm.

He chuckled and throws his head back.

"Come on blue eyes, let's be getting you back to your office" he says still laughing.

"But don't we have to pay?" I ask him looking puzzled.

"It's all taken care of" he replies with a cheeky little grin on his face.

"Joe you really didn't have to you have already..." I was interrupted by him.

"I know I didn't have to, but I wanted to, I wanted to treat the prettiest girl I have ever met" I blush and go red.

"We should defiantly do this again sometime" Joe says as we arrive outside my office.

"I can't wait" I reply.

"Give me your phone" Joe asks me and I hand it to him curious of what he is going to do.

"Here you go." I look at him puzzled. He chuckles.

"I just put my number into your phone Incase you wanted to meet up again. I get so many DMs and I don't want to miss any from you. So make sure you text me tonight blue eyes." he says being deadly serious.

I smile at him. I didn't know how to reply.

"Well thanks again for lunch and for my beautiful flowers" I say shaking the flowers in his face.

It was then the awkward 'do we hug? do we handshake? do I kiss him on the cheek? do I do anything?' situation

We hug awkwardly and then I have to go back into my office.

I didn't want to leave him. I wanted to stay with him forever and ever.

As soon as I get in the office I hear all the "oohs" and the "ohh la laaaa" from all the workers as they see me walk in with a big bunch of flowers.

I walk into the kitchen and put them in the sink with some water in.

One of the worker in the office came running in. Her name was Lucy and she had bright red hair.

"Tell me all about it!" she says.

I sigh heavily as my heart feels like it is melting just thinking about him.

"Well, his name is Joe and.."

Joe Sugg: I've fallen for a fanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang