Chapter 12~ texing

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Joes P.O.V

It was about 9pm now and I was just playing FIFA. Obviously I was winning against Caspar 5-1.

Just as I was about to score again my phone vibrated and I looked down and I saw that it was I number I didn't have saved.

"Hi it's daisy xx" I jumped out my seat and replied straight away meaning that I have up my shot and that it was 5-2.

"Hi daisy, how are you?xx" I reply quickly before turning back to my game and finishing the match.

I won obviously.

"Best of three?" Caspar asks me.

"I can't, I am waiting for some texts" I reply with a wink.

He didn't question me. He knows that if I don't want to play FIFA that there is an important reason behind it.

We put on the TV and last weeks xfactor was on. Caspar had missed it so I let him keep it on whilst I was having a conversation with my blue eyes.

"So blue eyes, what you doing this weekend? are you free tomorrow night?xxx" I ask and within seconds I have a reply.

It's weird, I have only met this girl twice but yet I am about to invite her around to my place? Is it too fast shall we just go out for a date. It's not like I wanted anything to happen, I respect women.

it's just that I don't know her well enough to suggest going out and everyone loves to stay in.

Before I had a chance to reply she texts me saying,

"My parents are going out tomorrow evening, to a party(they have a better social life then me I know) so I was wondering if you wanted to come over and hang out and order pizza and watch netflix?xx"

How could I say no to that? We can do what I wanted and I don't have to worry about her turning out weird. Not that I was wondering that anyway.

"Sounds great! but just to let you know I don't usually go back to girls houses for the first date😏xx" I reply trying to be cheeky

"No no no I didn't mean it like that Joe!haha😂xx" she replies. I can just imagine her scrunching up her nose and getting all defensive.

"But anyway this is our second date😉xx" she does make me laugh, so sarcastic. I love it.

"Just text me the details and I will be there👀xx" the biggest grin is growing on my face as I send the text.

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