Chapter 5~ omg im so sorry

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Daisy's P.O.V

"You've had a hard morning, why don't you go and get yourself some lunch. There is a sainsburys just up the road." My Boss Dan said to me at around 11:30.

I liked Dan, he was funny and witty whilst still being a good teacher and helping learn the ropes to insurance on my first day.

"Okay, thanks I will be back as soon as possible." I reply.

He doesn't say anything back he just gives me a subtle nod from his desk.

I walk out onto the street and it is like complete madness. I can barely walk, everyone is pushing and shoving.

I look straight ahead and I can see the subtle sign of sainsburys in the distance so I head there. I wasn't too hungry, I just wanted some fruit and maybe a drink.

When I reach there I can feel myself breath again as I get off the busy road.

I just have a nosey around seeing what I fancy. I pick up a fruit salad and a packet of crisps.

As I turn around a man in there early twenties carrying some milk and bread runs into me.

"Can you watch where your going?!" I say kicking his milk over to him.

"Well maybe you shouldn't turn so unexpectedly" he says back in a cocky way.

That accent sounded familiar?

I slowly saw him look up and it was him.

My idol.

Joe. fucking. Sugg

"OMG I'm so sorry Joe" I blurt out as my cheeks turn red as I try to pick up the loaf of bread I made him drop

Why did I say his name, he's gonna think I'm so creepy.

"You know who I am?" he says with his cheeks also going red.

"Yes... it's kind of embarrassing actually. I'm daisy as in @suggscookie on twitter. so I think I know you very well."

"Oh my goodness, I love you account so much. you are one of my favourites. why don't you ever post selfies you are gorgeous. I mean.."

"I really don't have the confidence for that, but thanks anyway" I reply quickly.

"Can you too carry on your mother meeting somewhere else and not in the middle of the milk isle" some old woman says coming down the isle.

Me and joe both laugh and move to the side. she nods and carries on walking.

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