Chapter 15~ who is she?

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Daisys P.O.V

I wake up in the morning and I have to pinch myself to make myself realise that I wasn't dreaming.

Me and my dream man kissed. Fuck. I never thought this was going to happen.

The first thing I do is go on Twitter as I do most morning. The norm. But this morning it was different, it wasn't happy and uplifting. This morning it was horrible and nasty and I didn't want to stay there.

As I was scrolling down my news feeds all I kept seeing was

"Who the fuck is she?"

"I want to kill her"

"Joe is mine"

"Why is he with a girl?"

And they all had a picture of my hand from joes snapchat in it.

All my "friends" were saying they wanted to kill this girl.. and this girl was me. They didn't know it was me but still, the "girl" is still human.

As I saw all these tweets unconsciously aimed at me my heart began to beat out of my chest and my vision began to go blurry.

I went on Twitter wanting to tell the world about me and Joe, but now I don't want there to be a me and Joe.

If this many people want to kill me just because they think we watched a film together, what will they say if they know we kissed? If anything more was going to happen.

I know I should stop scrolling but I can't help it. My fingers keep scrolling and I keep seeing these hurtful conclusions of who I am, of what I am, of what we are doing.

The tears begin to stream down my face. I wanted joe so much, I have never wanted something to happen more then me and joe getting together, but instead, now I want anything far from it.

As I carry on scrolling a text from Joe pops up. "Good Morning Blue Eyes xx"

I smile from ear to ear. I am the first thing he thinks of when he wakes up. But I ignore it. I can't face replying. I can't face the abuse on twitter.

I just wanted to have fun, I didn't want another complicated relationship I wanted a normal one. But then again, getting with Joe fricking Sugg was he wrong thing to do to just "have fun".

I put in my shoes and coat and walked out into the crisp morning air. I needed to go for a walk to gather my thoughts. walking to where? Only God would know

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