Chapter 8~ let the dms begin

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Joes P.O.V

So by now it is about 8pm and I still hadn't got Daisy off my mind.

All I kept thinking about was her, with her fragile frame and long blonde hair with curves in all the right places.

She hadn't dmed me asking me to send the picture yet, although she had been on twitter and tweeting all her friends about today.

I wanted to join the conversation but I know it wouldn't be right.

So I dmed her. I wanted to keep things between us private and not so the whole of twitter could see. Even if nothing came out of it, it would be nice to speak to her.

"Hello stranger ;)xx" I message her over dm.

Within 25seconds I already had a reply.

"Hi👀" she replies with. she wasn't freaking out to me, she wasn't spamming saying I love you. It was weird, but I liked it.

"So heres the picture of us from earlier." I say sending the picture of us in the middle of sainsburys with the grumpy old woman in the background. the picture made me laugh a lot and I'm not sure why.

"Omg what even is my face, but thank you" she replies. She was being blunt with me. The way she was being so reserved made me more and more intrigued.

"So are you going to put it up or am I?😏" I say to her trying to be all cheeky.

"No joe please don't, I hate myself. I'm scared if people see what I look like they won't like me for me." She replies. it actually broke my heart that a girl with such beauty would ever think of herself in this way.

I want to cheer her up and make her feel better, but I don't want to come across as some stalkerish weirdo.

"Today in sainsburys, you were the prettiest girl in the whole store. I couldn't believe my eyes. you were stunning." I say trying to make her feel better.

"You're just saying that because the only other person that you saw in the store was an old woman."

I can just see her cheeky smile as she sends that because she knows it's not true.

"Fine then. you were the prettiest girl in the whole of london. the whole of england. You are so incredibly beautiful.❤️" I reply with a smirk on my face.

"Oh gosh joe you are making me blush please🙈☺️❤️"

She melts my heart and I don't know why

Joe Sugg: I've fallen for a fanDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora