Chapter 31~ stop worrying

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Joe P.O.V

"It's live" I said to daisy as I sat next to her on the bed as I tweet the link so everyone can see it.

"Ahhh okay" she replies back. I can see In her eyes how nervous she was about everyone's reaction and after last time I think anyone would be scared.

I grab her and pull her into me and roll her over and kiss her forehead. "Stop worrying so much blue eyes, everything is going to be okay" I said to her as we both look eachother eyes.

She wriggles in closer to me so that we are snuggled together. Her head under my chin and her hands on my back.

We lay like this for a few minutes until I can feel her phone going crazy with everyone tweeting about my new girlfriend and who she was.

Most of the people on their were supportive and saying nice things about me and daisy even though they didn't know we could see it. There were some tweets being angry but we both just shrugged them off since there was an overwhelming amount of nice comments on her timeline as well as my own.

I was so happy that they all liked her and that they weren't all being horrible.

"Do You think I should tell everyone on my Twitter that I am well me?" She stutters out with a smile at me.

"That's a great idea, but only do it if you want to" I reply with tucking her long blonde hair behind her ears.

She smiles at me and starts to write a tweet.

"Well this is me everyone" she types. She than takes a selfie of her and presses tweet.

Within seconds pared phone is going crazy with tweets and replies.

Everyone was being amazing and so supportive of her.

Her face lit up and I could tell That she was happy with everyone's reaction.

Her phone started ringing and I looked down at it. It read "Kian💞"

I looked at it confusedly before she quickly answers it and walks out the room.

I could her her raising her voice.

What's going on now oh god.

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