Chapter 30~ no one judges me

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Daisys P.O.V

We had just filmed the new video and Joe was busy editing away.

I was lying on the bed and for the first time in ages I decided to go onto my Twitter account for Joe, just to see how everyone was doing.

People don't understand how you can make friendships online and although j had kept in contact via text to some people, others I didn't give my number so I hadn't spoken to them in months.

I would find it weird if I was tweeting from my account about how fit Joe was whilst he was sitting next to me knowing he knows everything I tweet.

I see loads of DMs and notifications from people saying that they are worried about me.

I really didn't think that anyone would care about me if I went offline. I had just hit 3.5k followers on Twitter and I couldn't believe it.

Some of the tweets that people had sent me was actually making me tear up.

"I hope my @SuggsCookies is alright"

"I miss @SuggsCookie on my timeline"

"Where is @SuggsCookie hiding"

Everyone in here was so lovely and I wish that I could go back to how things were with them. they were nicer to me than anyone was in real life ever.

No one judged me for what I looked like, people judged me on who my idol was and how I supported them; and its an indescribable feeling unless you go through it yourself.

"The video is about to go live" Joe says from in the corner snapping me from out of my Twitter daze.

I look at him and smile and then get back to my Twitter and replying to everyone who tweeted me.

I want to be apart of their lives, but I've changed. I can't log in and tweet pictures of my boyfriend and all his friends can I?

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