Chapter 19~ why?

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Joes P.O.V

I woke up with Daisys mum putting a bag of peas on my head from when I hit the wall after I was thrown out of Daisys room.

"Ouch" I mutter trying to sit up.

"Shh shh, lie down you've hit your head bad, just lie there." Daisys mum said still holding the bag of peas on the back of my head.

"Mrs ummm...... Daisys mum, can I ask you something?" It struck me that I didn't even know Daisys last name.

"Of course you can darling what is it?" She says looking into my eyes

"Why?" I ask shyly. She looks confused as if she doesn't understand my question. As if to say why what?

"Why do you let her dad do that? Not only to me but to your daughter as well? And don't say that you didn't know what was happening, you was practically sitting at the doorstep." I ask sternly.

"Joseph it's complicated. I can't just-"

"What do you mean it's complicated" I interrupted "how can it be complicated, your husband is beating your child, or was about to and all you could do was listen?" 

She didn't know what to say. She turned around and started to wipe her face, I take it that she was feeling bad for what she was doing.

"Don't you think I've tried? Do you think I enjoy seeing my daughter being beaten? I've tried everything I could think of. Make him start club to take out his anger, ban drink in the house, jump infront of the punch? Don't you think I have tried Joseph? What more could I do?" She wimpers still with her back to me.

"Leave. Leave him, run away." I replied with quickly. I think I startled her and that she thought her speech was going to make me change my mind.

"Oh yeah because when things get tough just run away?" She says now facing me with anger in her face.

"Tough? I would say this was a bit more than tough would you? It's f*cking illegal" I snap back now sitting up with the peas on the floor.

Then we both hear someone coming down the stairs. We both snap our heads to the door. It was a broken daisy. She was limping with a black eye starting to form.

Her eyes were empty, there was nothing there. "I think you should leave Joe" she says. She can't even bring her eyes to look at me, I move my head to follow her eyes but every time she moves her head to avoid them. This wasn't her talking it was that monster of a dad.

"I'm not leaving without you. I'm not leaving you with that monster in the house" I say holding her face forcing her to look into my eyes.

"You will only make things worse Joe please." She says with a tear streaming down her face.

"If you don't reply to my texts I will be back tomorrow and every day after that." I say as I feel her mum take my hands off her face and start to drag me to the front door.

As I am going I see her dad standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"If you lay one more finger on her, I swear to god I am going to f*ck you up" I shout trying to wriggle out of the mums hands.

He just laughs and before I know it I am straight back to where I was at the beginning. Alone, scared and worried about daisy.

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