12:08 AM

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  I used to think that diaries are meant for the girls that were girly and absolutely had no friends to talk to when it came to their personal problems. But then again who am I to judge? I had the pink locked diary with the shiny stickers and colors. Talk about the boys I used to have feelings for. I've never really done this before, the writing to the millions of people of the web. I've written 3 other flop stories. Not like anyone's going to read this anyway...not that I know of. 

  Well if you happened to know or care, the name's Juliett Barraza but I prefer Julie. So that when people actually get comfortable talking to me, they don't mention the typical Shakespearean writer who so happened to have the grand idea of creating my name. I cannot begin to tell you how many fucking times I have heard Hey Juliett, where's the Romero? I swear right hand to the god Zeus it pissed me the hell off. 

  If you want the good old David Copperfield of my take on this "diary",  although many of you may or may not know who he is, I think I'd love to give you my opinions at the crack of dawn. That's the thing about nighttime, I mostly write and do anything and everything at night. That's when everyone's asleep and all the good ideas aren't taken just yet. If you think I made that up think again...horror movies haven taken that toll on me. 

  Well I am 14 years young. Sometimes I wish I was a bit older. I remember someone had asked me, if I were to pick a age where I would stay that age forever; what would it be? For me I would pick 25. It's that age where you're still mature but at that age to where you still have the capacity to be a complete idiot. And then again it's that frightening age. Where you afraid of financial crap, career gunk, relationship shiz, blah blah blah. I could keep going and going. But I'll save you the torture...literally. 

  If you are intrigued to know my location I live in the most hottest state in America. Arizona? Ding ding! The hottest state ever. Don't even get me started on Springs they're exactly like Summers but a tad less extreme. When it rains it's as if you've won a million bucks. The sound makes you feel like rain has never existed due to it saying goodbye for so long. Unlike this year to where Arizona's weather DM's were really dry. Literally. 

  As for crap that keeps me out of drugs, sex and preventing me from getting pregnant at 14? I'm quite fond of music. Just arts are what I'm particularly fond of just arts. Then again I get lost in other gunk too. There's always this certain thing I do before heading for a snooze, I play music very lowly then drift off. Try it sometime. Helps with the stress, and prevents you from ripping someone's throat out. Even if you're in a good mood try it, it'll make you feel wanted. Well, more to discus?

  Favorite color? 

 Red, black or white. More metallic for me. I'm pretty basic.

Types of music you bump to?

Anything. Literally anything...Take it back. Anything except country. I'm too Hispanic for that.

Favorite film?

Well for me, My Best Friend's Wedding Or Coraline.

 Is my job interview over? I've answered everything now, right? Can I just crash for the night? Yeah, go for it. Cool. Oh, and before I go. Remember the whole music at 1AM in the morning thing advice I gave you? Yeah. Literally try it. Bet doctors can't tell you that shit. Just close your eyes and just...breathe. And let the music posses you. That's why I'm so into it. Turn it up; not too loud but not to low to where you can't hear. Here, mate, I'll recommend you the song of the night. 

lovely by billie elish (with khalid) 

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