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  Hey, everyone! Hope everyone is doing okay and surviving under quarantine. For all we know we are legit dying (okay, maybe not dying) to go outside. And I know I have been doing alot of artsy shit while under quarantine. I've painted almost anything my hands have ever touched. I've painted like 20 things as it is. oH, wOw. So ArTzY.  Art kid things, I suppose. 

  And if you guys checked out, I ended up changing the cover of this lovely book. And it took me almost half an hour but it was so worth it. And still wanted to keep the originality of my last cover. 

  And yes indeed

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  And yes indeed. Those are my real baby pictures. They were saved on my old folder in my laptop, and thought to myself  "Hey, why not have some fun with 'em? " And that's where the new cover spawned from. And the little Polaroid came to me almost last minute, along with the little 'Love, Julie' portion of it. Hope you guys like it just as much as I do, thought putting a little bit of my childhood into it would make it personal for you guys. 

  SO, with that being said. I started looking at my stats and you guys loved some of my un-popular opinions. And I thought to myself, "Let's write more thoughts people could give less of a shit about." Oh, wait. I've been doing that.

  With that being said, these are a list of my un-popular opinions. Don't agree, don't read. Plain and simple. 


y'all about to be real mad at me...but it needs to be said. 

  #1: Season  2 of YOU slacked so much.   And I know what you guys are thinking, JuLie, dIdN'T yOu LoVe ThAt ShOw? Yeah, until I finished watching the entire series and finding out the second season was a literal bore fest. And the whole idea of them involving a brother then the mafia. It felt like I was watching a Tik-Tok PoV put into a series. Spoiler Alert! Only for the series to end with him finding another girl to fond over again. The level of underwhelment. 

  #2: PLEASE STOP SLEEPING ON JAEDEN SMITH!  BRO, OH. MY. GOD. HE IS SO SLEPT ON. Like it hurts me to know that he's slept on in the music community. And just have a few hits that go noticed. BRO, LET ME TELL YOU. When EYRS, his 2nd studio album, ALMOST NOBODY I KNEW FUCKED WITH HIS SONGS. I loved his new album and personally believed he took such great time to make it the way it is. And the idea/concepts are just beyond me. And what's sad to me is that the only song people really know is Summertime In Paris. I mean, love the song so much but they're others that need the attention. Personal favorite is the PINK section and Mission feat Trinidad James. 

  #3: We need to talk about Cancel-Culture. You all at some point have been apart of cancel-culture. Like it or not, it's happened. And we need to discuss how toxic cancel culture is. It's very hard on people if they don't have thick skin, and I understand. Grow some and get over it. But cancel culture spawns from the idea that if we do ANYTHING  that's not up to the people's eye, we get hated on or backlash. It's happened to every celebrity, YouTuber, you name it. But what the sad thing is, is that it happens in our daily lives. That we've been so accustomed to "cancelling" celebrities, that we do it to others. Cancel culture is basically a fancy way of saying "bullying online." And we need to stop the toxic behavior and negative energy. Now. 

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