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 Evening, guys! And I know, I'm back! Good to see you, guys. Hope you guys are doing okay and you're healthy under quarantine. Being that we are all under self-isolation, it's been brought to my attention that we are all BORED half out of our minds. YES, MA'AM!  And let's admit it, we are dying. YES, MA'AM!

  So, with everything crazy and stuff going on, I would think that we all need something fun to do or to even watch. So, with that being said, I took it upon myself to make you guys a list of some new binge-watchable shows to watch. Just for you! Because let's be honest we all need a little something something to watch. The list ranges from anime, to old '90's shows, to movies and more! So, if you don't like one show I have on here, you can watch another. 


اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

  First on the list is F.R.I.E.N.D.S  If you haven't seen this show, you have been living under a rock let me tell you. Aside of it being one the most ICONIC shows ever, it's legit one of the hardest shows I have ever seen. Characters are literally my soul at some point or another. 

  Inuyasha. I GREW up on this anime, man! An anime created in 2000 and legit goes so hard. Story is just great, the art is beautiful and the characters are everything. The creator, Rumiko Takahashi, had to cancel the show due copyright and informant issues. But it's an amazing series. It's available on Netflix if you guys have an account. 

  The Office. Everyone at some point has either heard of The Office or hasn't. If you haven't seen it...We need to have a very serious chat. Not gonna lie to you, Seasons 1 and 2 aren't really my favorite. But the later you get into the series the better it gets. My favorite episode is when Pam and Jim end up getting married. The show is just great in all ways possible. 

  JoJo's Bizarre Adventures! All of the animes I am currently mentioning on my list are all action. Well, the majority of them are. The story is very much good, comedy is where it's at and just an all out great show. Also available on Netflix. 

  You. I know what you guys are thinking. Girl, why are stanning a story about a literal psychopath? BUT HE DO BE HOT THO! It doesn't even have to be on that, man. It's just kinda crazy to me how the creators/production actually out us thru the head of the main character. And we get to dig into his mind, the show's unpredictable but wow. The amount twists and turns is crazy. Also available on Netflix. By the way, this series deals with some personal issues, so just a heads up if you haven't seen it and wanna watch it! 

  Ranma 1/2. THIS SHOW IS SO UNDERRATED. OH. MY. GOD. Only like a handful of people I know love this show. It's my favorite at the moment, and it's just so addicting to watch. The story is so unique and different from anything I have seen. It was also ahead of it's time for action anime. The same creator that created Inuyasha, Rumiko Takahashi, made this anime. If you've seen Inuashya before you saw Ranma 1/2, like I did, you can clearly see Rumiko got the majority of her inspiration for Inuyasha from her previous work, Ranma 1/2! 

  The Nanny. This show is so old, but so good. Me and my mom LOVE watching this show. It's funny and just heart warming at the same time. It's an all out great show, just like F.R.I.E.N.D.S., The Nanny is a comedy show. 

  AKIRA. Made in 1988, this anime was known to be the anime that created history. WAY ahead of its time. Known to be action anime. If you know this film, thank you, but if you analyze the art, it's something was never done before in the form of art. It didn't move like a regular anime, it didn't have that cheesy story plot, it didn't cease to impress. The story I can relate to our world today if you really have an open mind. 

  Look, Mom I Can Fly. JULIE- I KNOW, I KNOW! DAMN! Look, I am a huge Travis Scott fan, myself. You don't say. Bias, aside. This film was one of the FIRST films I have seen that actually represented the life of being a rapstar/celebrity  accurate. You get to see sides of him and of his family that the media hasn't presented or care to. Shows Travis' story and his outlook/concepts for what he did for ASTROWORLD. 

  And last on my list is, Revolutionary Girl Utena. This anime, is legit SO gay. But it's not inappropriate on that sense. Easily one of my, if not, my favorite anime. Tells a story of two people finding themselves within a small world of pain.  And it's kinda heartbreaking but beautiful. I love it so much. The story is just..Whoa. The art is so beautiful and different. If you guys watch it, it's a little inappropriate but if you can handle it, go for it! It's available free on YouTube. 

  Well, guys those are just some of the shows/movies I recommended! If you watched them or have seen them already, let me know! We could have a cup of tea over it

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

  Well, guys those are just some of the shows/movies I recommended! If you watched them or have seen them already, let me know! We could have a cup of tea over it. Anyways, my loves. I hope you guys are doing well, and staying inside and eating yo veggies. Don't forget to wash ya hands and maintain ya distance. Stay safe and healthy out there, babes! Love you, catch you in the next one! <33

Song of the night? 

Nights by Frank Ocean

all of my life, been waiting for you all my life. <33

Thoughts At 12AMحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن