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  Well, hey fellas! I've been doing very well lately. HEY, HEY. DON'T COME AT US WIT DAT- Hey, I get it. I was gone for...uh, well, I-. FOR LITERALLY HALF A YEAR!  Well, hey, I was busy with so much crap! I have so much to tell you guys! Legit, where do I even start?! Okay, we'll go from my dance and art stuff! So, I had my first dance concert and it was amazing, good job for me. For a beginner. Uh, yeah right. And within that week, I got a haircut. Don't worry, It wasn't that short just the ends. And my hairstyles gave me that Kill Bill: Elle Driver look. Totally her idea, and I digged it. 

  Within that week, I also went to Los Angeles. I went before but not in depth. We went to my cousin's movie premiere. aYo, FaMoUs ReLaTiVe ChEcK.  Exactly, dude. Met all my other families and it was just a amazing experience. Y'ALL I WENT TO DISNEYLAND! YEP YOU READ RIGHT! DISNEYLAND. It was  just so beautiful, and just...I know it's gonna sound weird when I say this but...it felt like home. Almost like grandma's house. I loved every second of it. It just felt like I belonged there. PLUS I GOT CALLED PRINCESS THERE. AHA. 


  It was just so beautiful and just

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  It was just so beautiful and just...ah. JULIE, DID YOU SEE ALL THE DISNEY PRINCESSES? YES, YES I DID GO SEE MY DISNEY BADDIES. Hugged Cinderella, Snow White and my baddie Jasmine. Here for it. Loved it, and we only traveled not even HALF of the park. My cousin had told us "You need more than just one day for Disney!" And in my head I was like "BTS punchline." And she said the next time we visit, we go with her. And I couldn't agree more. Aside of me going to Disneyland, I flew on a plane for the first time. And it just felt...crazy. It was amazing, and I was so scared because when they take off, IT'S SO FLIPPIN SCARY. AH. But the guy next to me was talking to me and was like "First time?" And I laughed "Isn't it obvious?" We both laughed and he was just the coolest, he was a graphic designer!

SPEAKING OF ART, JULIE. GOT SOMETHING YOU WANNA TELL US, DEAR?! OH YEAH! GUESS WHO'S APART/ PHOTOGRAPHER OF A MEDIA BRAND CALLED PASSETAPE? ME! I went to their commercial and art film, their creator, whom I love lots, had asked if I wanted to become apart of it. And I, of course, said yes. And that, plus going to Disneyland, was legit the happiest day of my life. Even if we're not at that big status, not yet, we will be. This is just a great experience for me and my art form! So, yeah keep on eye on me, guys. GO FOLLOW MY INSTA, HAHA. Really, Jules? Yeah, sorry, insta:juliiebarraza. 

  I miss you guys. And love you guys so much, if you guys ever need anything my messages are always open! And your Insta! That too, I'll catch you guys later. And don't worry, I'm not dead, I'm just making moves! 

Song of the night?

Saw You In A Dream By The Japanese House

i saw you in a dream, i wonder if you'll come visit me again. <3

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