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 Hola, fellas. So I have pretty well if you ask me. WE ARE GOING TO SOCK THE SHIT OUT OF YOU. LIKE... I'm sorry? I know, I know. It's not gonna cut it, like ever. NOT-UH. Well guys, I'm gonna update you on my life, because that's what I'm here to do. IT'S ALL ABOUT ME!  So my grandma left to Mexico to take care of some family issues going on. And I left and stayed with my mom, and we're...a hot mess. We argue almost every second of everyday. But I give her space and distance when she needs and when she doesn't. And my uncle tells her to leave her be and that she's just heated, but how can she be heated all the goddamn time. 

  But hey, my aunt left to New York for some kind of vacation before she heads off to work. And I stayed with my aunt...and she had showed me alot of things about my mom and our family. She is a very wise woman and understood my pain as a person. And she had told me to "Let go. And find yourself and put yourself first, always. And to internally make peace with yourself." And I took time...and I did. I forgave and learned to always live in the present. AND MY AUNT IS SO DOPE! So I had told her that I had hated Stranger Things, BITCH WHAT? And she was like "Have you even seen it?" And me, being the classic shit-talker I am I said no. And I had thought that Stranger Things was that one show that always got the hype but when you watch it...it sucks. 

  So she was like, "Watch it with me, I'm on Season 3." So I had told her that I'm on season 1 and...WE BINGED STRANGER THINGS FOR 10 HOURS! Best 10 hours of my life. And I SCREAMED. So my cousin had come over to check over on his mom and...we watched Stranger Things Season 3. AND WE WERE SCREAMING! We both had heart attacks. 

  But my aunt took great care of me and showed me to learn to forgive and love myself. And for once I got the old me back, she was there and she had never left. Julie was just letting go to see if she thought that I could do it, and she came back to hold my hand. Auntie showed me to release the anger, and allow the peace to come home. And I live by my new quote, "Live in the present because you can't stay home in the past." 

I thank her with everything in me, because Auntie was the woman that showed me that you are all you have and all you'll ever need. Plus she taught me...it's okay to make mistakes as long as you learn from them.  

  Much love, Auntie...and thanks.

Song of the night, y'all!

Neverending Story by Gaten Marazzo.


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