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 Hey Guys, so today I wanted to talk about everything that has happened in Mexico and in the Spanish regions. And this, as a Mexican/Cuban, breaks my heart. To see my country and my home, go under so much violence and so much peril. 

  The many children and innocent people only wanting a better life in a fresh and new country. That not all of them are animals or bad hombres. These people come to America for a better chance and opportunity for a good life. 

I choose to say to all my Spaniards in the world, do not ignore the place where you have grown and come from. And choose to become ignorant and reject the place that has build your character.  

 Para todo de Mexico, para un estado tan grande y tan furete; yo se que si pueden. Es un estado con un poder tan hermoso. Eso proque los llamos Mexicanos. Yo te amo, Mexico. Mi estado tan presico.

    *                *                *

Ladies and Gentlemen, our song of the night. For my home...Mexico.

Mexico Lindo Y Querido by Jorge Negrete 

Te Amo, Mexico. <3 

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