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Season six episode four: The Colony

We finally reached the planet thing. Keith and Krolia had explained everything to me before, and I ended up spending a few months there while we got there because Ivy wouldn't let me in.

I realised why I had started feeling so nauseous all of a sudden on Pykson, and it was because of the gas I slightly recognized. It was the gas that Allura said was highly toxic to Carulems.

Anyways, we went into the sun thing, met an Altean, she explained her story, and we went back to the Castle of Lions. And let me tell you, one thing was for sure. I was ready to kick Lotor's ass.

I could barely think with how much rage I was filled with. I hated him so much for hurting these Alteans. They had gone through enough with their home planet and everything being destroyed, but then he had to trick them and kill them?

I flew into the hangar and everyone was there to meet us. I hopped out of my lion, followed by Keith, Krolia, Romelle (the Altean we found), and Keith's space wolf. Everyone was quick to ask questions, all of which I was unable to hear through the pure rage flowing through my entire body.

Thanks, Lotor.

Everyone else went to the control room to talk to Romelle and hear her story, but I decided I wanted to wait in the hangar for Lotor and Allura to come back. And that was just what they did.

They didn't seem to notice me, so I just waited until they did, but they kissed before they did, so I felt obligated to roll my eyes. Duh.

Anyways, Allura was really embarrassed about me seeing the kiss, but I just felt bad for her. After explaining everything to her, she didn't seem to believe me, so I took her to the control room to see Romelle.

Even as everyone was talking in the control room, after Allura knew the truth, and even after Allura threw Lotor across the room and knocked him out, I was still so mad that my vision was blurring.

All I could remember was alarms going off and then Keith dragging me to the pod bay, where Lotor's ships were being stolen. Everyone was freaking out and I saw Shiro go to a pod with Lotor slung over his shoulder.

Filled with rage, I chased after him, ready to punch him for a second time. Unfortunately, he managed to close the pod and fly off before I could reach him.

"Everyone to your lions!" Keith ordered.

"But how?" Pidge asked. "Shiro just walked off, so we can't form Voltron."

"I like how you just forget that Keith can pilot the Black Lion," I said, finally back to senses so that I could speak.

We all got into our lions and flew off to attack Lotor's generals who were in Lotor's ships. Keith was trying to get through to Shiro, but I knew it was hopeless. Eventually he turned around.

"Guys, we can't do this in our lions," he said. "Let's form Voltron!"

And we did just that.

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