7. Skydiving

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"Tyler Joseph!" Josh shouted upon entering Tyler's room.

"Holy shit! Josh!" Tyler jumped, involuntarily covering himself with his blanket. "What the fuck? One, who let you in? And two, why didn't you knock?"

"Debbie let me in and it wasn't locked so I just went for it. Were you masturbating? It's okay, everyone has to tickle their pickle once in awhile. I may have been raised catholic but even I shake hands with the devil somet–"

"I get it!" Tyler groaned, his face growing red. "God, why am I friends with you?"

"Because you love me," Josh replied, pulling the blanket down. "Pants? Good. I didn't know what I was gonna so if I saw your dick. It's been a long ass time and I've avoided witnessing that as long as possible," he continued as he picked up Tyler's legs and set them on his lap as he took their place on the bed.

"Why are you here?"

"Nice to see you too," Josh smiled, adjusting the snapback on his head. "I'm bored and I wanna go skydiving. Let's get this list started motherfucker."

"Why are you yelling profanities at me?"

"Umm 'Holy shit! Josh! What the fuck?'" he mimicked, copying what Tyler had said moments before.

"Shut up," Tyler shoved him playfully. "Anyway where the hell did you get us a last minute appointment to skydive?"

"Wait so you're down to do it with me?" Josh asked hopefully.

"I mean yeah, as much as I hate you we're still best friends. We're doing this together."

"Even the when I wanna get high and jab needles onto my skin forever?"

"Okay maybe not those..." Tyler trailed off. "But everything else I'll be by your side for cause you stick by my lame ass."

"Aw I wove you so mwuch," Josh pulled Tyler in for a half hug. "No homo, though."

"Oh, fuck you."

"Well if you say so..."

"I hate you," Tyler groaned, flopping backwards onto his bed. "And you never answered my question, dipshit."

"About last minute skydiving? You'll see."


"Ta-da!" Josh said as he pulled into the parking lot.

Tyler looked out the passenger window in Josh's car, noticing where they were. "Indoor skydiving, rock climbing, and bungee jumping?" he read the subtitle under the name of the place that was plastered in big rainbow letters.

"Hell yeah!" The red haired man replied, setting the car in park.

"Why this? I thought you wanted to actually skydive. Like from a plane."

"Ummm," he clicked the button to take his seatbelt off, Tyler doing the same while he talked. "This is four a half times cheaper. Going here is sixty a person and actually skydiving is like two-fifty a person."

"Oops never mind," he grinned sheepishly. Josh grinned back before getting out and Tyler was thankful he didn't bring up the fact that he could afford that easily. Tyler got out as well and began walking inside with his friend.

When they entered they were greeted with the loud noise of machine made wind and kids talking loudly, a few squealing in excitement. The two went over to the desk and was greeted by a young woman, probably in her early twenties. She smiled at them. "Hey, guys! What can I do for you?"

"We're here for indoor skydiving," Josh told her, smile on his face as well to return the politeness.

"Awesome! Is there a specific instructor you'd like to be paired up with?"

"This is our first time doing this, actually," Josh said sheepishly. "We have no idea what's going on."

She let out a soft laugh, her light brown hair bouncing as she moved over to the computer to enter their information. "Okay, well it's pretty simple. After you guys pay you'll be led to the back and someone will get you suits and equipment of the right size then they will lead you out to the wind tunnels and your instructor will meet you there and show you the ropes. Is it just you two?"

"Yeah," Josh replied getting his wallet out.

She typed for a few minutes and read the screen before turning to them. "You two will he paired up with Debby and she'll meet you guys so you don't have to look for her or anything. That'll be one thirty please."

Before Tyler could protest he pulled out a one hundred, a twenty, and a ten and gave it to her. She put it in the register and added a little more onto the computer. "Thank you! Go through there," she pointed to a hallway that had an arrow on the wall, the words Equipment Room above it. "And when you're done and have everything off you can just leave through the doors you came in. Have fun and let me know if there's anything you need help with," she told them with one last smile.

"Thank you," Josh told her before leading Tyler towards the hallway.

"What the hell? I could have at least payed for myself. That's a lot of money you just dropped on indoor skydiving."

"At least I didn't drop it on regular skydiving," he shrugged as their made their way to the room. "Besides I told my mom about it and she offered me the money."

"I don't want to spend your parents' money."

"You don't wanna spend your parents' money," Josh reminded.

Tyler rolled his eyes. "Okay and I actually like your mom."

"She likes you too that's why she offered to pay for you. She gave me an extra twenty in case we wanna go get ice cream or anything after too. You know how she is."

The brunette smiled. "Yeah. I know. Make sure you tell her thank you if I don't see her anytime soon. We don't deserve her."

"We really don't," Josh agreed. "She's the best."

The two entered the room and saw everything from suits to goggles to helmets on the walls along with things for the other two activities. There was a whiteboard the one that didn't have anything with pictures of different body parts with names and arrows on them.

"Hey! Welcome! What are you two doing today?" A man said upon noticing them. He looked the same age as the receptionist but had dark black hair a bit of scruff on his face.

"Skydiving," Josh offered.

"Awesome, well let's find you some suits and we'll go from there," he told them, smiling.

Yay... Tyler thought, feelings his nerves kick in.

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