25. Zoo

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The Dun family was currently walking around the zoo, having just paid and entered a few minutes ago. "I still don't get why we came to the zoo," Abbie spoke up, her hand in Josh's. "I'm the youngest and I didn't want to go."

"Because all you guys have done all summer is stay cooped up in your rooms or hung out with friends. Besides, we haven't been on a family outing all together since school," Laura spoke.

"Tyler's not apart of our family though," Jordan spoke.

"Yes he is, stupid," Ashley replied. "He's a cooler brother than you."

"Hey!" Jordan shoved her arm. She responded by flicking the top of his head.

"Kids," Bill cut in. "Enough. I'm not dealing with you guys arguing today. If it happens again I'll take you home and you can spend the rest of the summer grounded. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes," Jordan and Ashley mumbled simultaneously.

Josh glanced over and could Tyler looked uncomfortable. He had witnessed things like this with his family too many times to count but it didn't mean he enjoyed it more and more each time. "You okay?" Josh spoke so only they could hear.

Tyler glanced up from where he was staring at his walking feet. "Yeah," he smiled lazily. "I'm jus' tired."

"Me too," Josh replied. "When we get home we can take a nap in my room."

"Sounds like a plan," Tyler laughed.

"So," Laura piped up. "How was your time away from your crazy family, honey?" She asked, looking at Josh.

"We're not crazy we're just mildly insane," Abbie cut in, making everyone laugh.

"It was nice," Josh hummed, swinging his and Abbie's conjoined hands back and forth. "I had a lot of fun. It was probably the best birthday I've ever had thanks to you guys and Tyler. He doesn't really count as separate though he's apart of this crackhead family as much as any of us are."

"Josh," Bill intervened. "Don't say crackhead."

"Sorry," he muttered. "But you get what I mean. Yes, Jordan is right— he's not an official Dun, but he's pretty darn close."

The family remained silent for a few seconds before Tyler spoke. "I'm gonna cry, shut up."

"No," Josh told him. "You hate your family so you're already automatically apart of ours. Even if you didn't hate yours you'd still be welcomed."

Tyler didn't respond right away and Josh started to think he said something wrong. "What Josh said," Ashley chimed in. "You're like my second big brother I've known you forever and I see you all the time."

"You put Josh in a better mood so when I ask him for things he's more likely to say yes," Jordan added. "And you're cooler than him."

"And you pay for ice cream when we go get it so you have an A in my book!" Abbie told him.

"I love you guys," Tyler looked at him. "You're like the family I never had," he smiled. "Thank you."

"Of course, honey," Laura replied. "We love you too."

"I still can't believe Josh named his dog Jim," Abbie huffed, making her family laugh once again.

"Me neither," Tyler followed. "That's such a dumb name. Hayley tried naming him Finn so her and our friend Ashley only call him that and he started responding to it."

"Finn's a better name," Jordan said. "It's cute. Jim makes him sound like an old man."

"Stop," Josh whined. "Don't make fun of my dog."

"Dude I don't like him I'll make fun of him as much as I want," Tyler laughed.

"I take it back I don't want you in my family," he joked.

"Thank God. I can escape now," the brunette responded.

"Guys!" Jordan pointed at the koala exhibit. "We're here!" The twelve year old said excitedly.

"Oh my God I'm so ready," Tyler beamed, making Josh snicker. "They're so cute look at them," he gushed.

"Tyler's obviously going first," Laura told everyone. "I think he's going to combust if he doesn't get to hold one in the next ten minutes."

They walked up to the table and Bill took out his wallet to pay for their experience. "How many?" The woman working asked.

"Five," Bill replied.

"That'll be $100."

"Hey, I can pay for mine, Mr. Dun," Tyler said to him. "I have money with me."

"Don't worry about it, Tyler," he smiled at the brunette. Josh hasn't see his dad smile a genuine smile in a long time. "I've got it."

"Are you sure?" Tyler double checked.

"Yes, Tyler," Bill assured, handing the woman the $100.

They had two zookeepers with two koalas at a time so Tyler and Josh waited for the girl with the first one to finish before walking over. They decided to do theirs at the same time so Josh's siblings could do theirs next and they could get out of there quicker. "I'm gonna die, Josh," Tyler stated, looking at the koala. They each had sunglasses on but if they  weren't wearing them he figured Tyler would be crying out of happiness.

The zookeeper laughed. "She's pretty cute, isn't she? Her name is Ruby."

"I would die for Ruby," Tyler whispered. The zookeeper handed Ruby to Tyler and Josh watched his grin grow as he held her. "She's adorable," he turned to Josh. "Do you wanna hold her?"

"I'm good," Josh assured with a smile. "I think if I take her from you, you'll cry."

"Probably," Tyler giggled.

"Are you ready for the picture?" The other zookeeper behind the camera asked.

"J I want you in my picture," Tyler told him.

"Alighty," Josh stood behind Tyler.

"Okay, three—"

"Wait!" Josh called. "Look at me," Tyler obliged and Josh lifted his sunglasses off of one ear so they were crooked. He did the same to his own. "How funny would it be to have a douche-y picture of you holding a koala?"

"Hilarious," Tyler chuckled.

"Okay, are you ready now?" She questioned.

"Yeah," Josh nodded. "Don't smile, Ty. Douches don't smile. It's illegal."

"Okay," Tyler bit his lip to avoid laughing, keeping his face stoic.

"Three, two, one!"


The zookeeper from before walked over to Tyler. "I know you don't want me to, but I have to take Ruby back."

"Give me one minute to say goodbye," he responded dramatically. He looked down at the koala. "Ruby, you were the best damn koala I've ever met. I mean you're the only one I've met but still the best. I'll never forget you," he sniffled.

As soon as he handed her back, he wiped a fake tear from his eyes and fixed his glasses. "My life holds no purpose anymore. I have nothing else to love."

"Um," Josh spoke, an obvious tone to the single word. "What about me?"

"You can't even get on Ruby's level. Sorry isn't make the rules," he replied as they walked out of the area, Jordan and Abbie going in.

"I guess if you don't make the rules," Josh sighed.

"Just kidding, I appreciate you," Tyler nudged his arm with his own.

"I appreciate you too."

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