If Only You Knew The Truth

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A/N: this is based off of: 'can u write a jerrie fanfic for me where perrie loves jade and writes songs about her and stuff in a diary and sam finds it and blackmails her with it? sam is very mean to perrie and jade doesn't know, but he threatens to tell her is perrie doesn't do what he says.' this is dedicated to @JERRIE4LIFE1D2 because I promised them this one shot like a month ago, and I feel really bad for being such a lazy little shit. I hope you like it :)

Perrie's tongue found itself poking out between her lips, her face only showing pure concentration as her pencil moved about the paper, scrawling out the lines necessary to satisfy her as she worked. Once she was done, she let the pencil fall to the wooden desk with a small clatter, she ignoring it as she picked up her journal, turning it this way and that as she tilted her head to inspect her masterpiece. One eye was bigger than the other, the nose looked like it had been drawn by a kindergartener, the lips were practically non-existent, and the entire face was un-proportionate altogether; but Perrie smiled to herself nonetheless, proud because she had (believe it or not) improved her art skills.

She leaned back in her chair, using her thumb and index finger to carefully turn back a couple pages, wanting to compare this drawing to all of her others, smiling as she compared all of her attempts to draw the one thing that had actually given her any reason to want to try and draw it...well, draw her.

Sure she wasn't an artist, but she definitely considered herself one when it came to drawing Jade.

Yes. Jade Thirlwall, her best friend and bandmate that unfortunately already had a stupid boyfriend...

The journal in her hands was proof of her undying infatuation with the smaller Geordie, pages and pages of attempted drawings, cute little songs, and romantic words that were all related to the blonde's massive crush on the girl. She's always liked Jade, ever since the beginning, and that's why this journal is so important to her; because she's used it to document every little thing she loves about Jade since the first day they met.

"Perrie!" Perrie instantly drops the journal on the desk, closing it to hide the secrets it held. Her hands stopped shaking when she realized it was just Jesy calling her from downstairs.

"What do you want, Nelson?!", she shouted back, impatiently tapping her fingers against the wooden desk of she and Jade's shared room as she waits for the answer.

"Leigh Leigh has finished making breakfast, and -"

"COMING!" The blonde could hear Jesy's laugh echo throughout the house, all of them knowing that Perrie would do anything for food. Once Perrie was done filling her plate up, she took a seat at the table and began stuffing her face.

As the girl was eating, something caught her attention.

"AHHHHHH!!! I have to go get ready!" The sudden outburst was followed by hurried steps pounding against the floor as Jade ran up to she and Perrie's room.

"What's up with her?", Perrie asks, looking to Leigh-Anne and Jesy for the answer.

"Mr. Craske is coming over shortly to take Jade out for the day.", Leigh answers, taking a sip of her tea while Jesy nods in confirmation.

"Oh.", she said, suddenly loosing her appetite at the idea of Jade and Sam being all loved up together...

"Well don't look so happy.", Jesy said sarcastically before taking another bite of her pancakes, Leigh-Anne glaring at her being so insensitive, but it wasn't really Jesy's fault...she didn't know Perrie's secret like Leigh did.

"You okay?", she asks once she's done shooting daggers at the back of Jesy's head.

"Fine.", she mutters, dejectedly picking up her fork once again to get back to eating. Jesy raises her eyebrow at Leigh-Anne, the other girl just shaking her head in response, knowing that now was not the time to discuss the blonde's internal conflict.

Jerrie One-ShotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora