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i thought of a sort of weird way to show who wrote the chapter. i dont know if we will continue this but, all the chapters that have a french number in the title, ive (almasa) written and if they are in any other language, thats sarah? not sure yet tho. also, sorry about the short chapter, ive been busy with other works and this is basically a filler chapter

chapter two - gucci and confusion

Pixie politely smiled at all the maids walking down the hallways and then saw her mum and step-father. She felt herself stiffen, she didn't like being alone with the two, she had slight grudges against the two. Instead she gave them a small curtsey and a smile and walked to them, nonchalantly rubbing her sore heel, making her mother tut. She pursed her lips at her mother but shook her head, dusting her skirt down, "Jordan might be a little late, she was really tired, she never got enough sleep last night."

Her mother looked disapprovingly at her but her stepfather just smiled back, "That's alright, there's still fifteen minutes or so left."

She nodded and then looked down, biting her bottom lip to stifle a laugh, looking down. King Lucian was actually a rather sweet person, he did not deserve the nickname for him that she and Jordan called him behind his back.

What was she saying... he did. He deserved it completely.

She sighed and looked back up as Jordan ran down the corridors, stumbling and cursing in her heels as she joined them. "Hey," she said breathlessly.

"Not 'hey' Jordan, you have to give a good impression." their mother clucked.

Jordan mumbled something under her breath that she hoped her mother wouldn't hear. She looked up at Pixie, grinning and was about to lean over to talk to her when the doors of the castle opened. She jolted back up straight as their mother poked their backs, forcing them to start walking as two vehicles neatly parked by the manicured lawn in front of them.

Pixie stood on the steps, looking down, sunlight heating her warm-coloured skin immensely. She painted a smile on her face as usual, another people-pleasing, fake polaroid smile. She neatly placed her hands in front of her, trying to hide her confusion. She snuck a peek at Jordan who looked just as confused as she was except she didn't hide it. She looked forward, peering at the people who were inside the vehicles. She was hunching up to do so and felt her mother grab her shoulders and pull her back. She winced but quickly composed herself, hiding her pain inside her and looking forward, repainting a smile on her face just as two guard opened the two vehicles doors.


Jeon Jeongguk got out of the car instantly, longing to be out of the stuffy vehicle. There was a slight breeze in the air- that was enough to satisfy Jeongguk. He sighed in relief just as his parents got out of the car, his mother lightly slapping his arm so he would hastily compose himself. He rolled his eyes out of their gaze when he heard a voice from behind him, "Hey- Jeongguk?!"

Jeongguk turned around in confusion at the familiar voice when he saw his friend Kim Taehyung in front of the second vehicle. He grinned and then approached him, "What the hell are you doing here?!" He said with a laugh and going towards his well-dressed friend, "Look at Sir Kim Taehyung in his fancy Gucci." He teased before exchanging their handshake away from their parents' gaze.

Taehyung laughed at the end at Jeongguk, brushing his hair neatly down with his hand, "At least you're here today. Do you even know why we're here?" He asked as they began to walk towards the castle, nodding briskly at the guards as they passed them.

"You don't know either?! Fuck, you were my last attempt! So we're told that we need to dress well and make good impressions for a reason we don't know? Or is that only in my case?"

Taehyung smirked, "Hey, I always dress well. So it was just making a good impression for me." He said with a small, husky chuckle.

Jeongguk rolled his eyes and then looked forward as they approached the stairs of the castle, acting calm and respect able as he bowed in front of the king and queen and the queen's two daughters.

They were both placed in an awkward situation as all three sets of parents began to converse, the four younger adults standing in silence. The two princesses were.... different. The elder seemed to stare forward as if she could see through the princes and the younger seemed to be stifling a laugh yet her eyes showed the same state of confusion as the others presence.

They were all saved by the butler:

"Would you like to head inside to the dining room? Lunch is served."

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