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Pixie and Jordan had gotten dressed into much more comfortable dresses- all the same formal. Pixie looked at her sister and smiled, "You're growing up too fast I feel so old, stop already."

Jordan laughed, "You are old you need to face it!"


"Come we need to go eat lunch, I'm fucking starving." Jordan whined, disappointed she'd only been able to eat one slice of wedding cake.

Pixie smiled before the two left her room and walked towards the dining hall, slipping into their respective seats. Pixie began spooning soup into her bowl when she felt their gazes on her. She sighed, placing the ladle down, "I'm still Pixie you know, you guys don't understand how uncomfortable it is to be watched."

"Your fault for looking so good Pix." Taehyung chuckled and Pixie gave him a stern glance.

She looked at the pairs of eyes gazing at her, "Just because we're married it doesn't mean we're aliens now."

"Exactly, I'm still Taehyung."

"Marriage is a big part of life Kim Taehyung!" His mother snapped at him.


Pixie smiled at that, beginning to tuck into the soup as Lucian began to speak, "Well, your mother and I have decided... it's time for us to step down."

Pixie's spoon clattered onto the table, "What?!"

"You're going to be queen!" Jordan said in excitement.

"Well... Pixie, we've never been close but as I've watched you grow in this castle... you've grown into the queen this kingdom needs. They no longer need a man with greying hair and a receding hairline."

"That's my fucking fairy!" Taehyung exclaimed making the young adults present laugh.

"Well, thank you father." Pixie said, saying the sentence as smoothly as she had ever done, "I'll become the queen that hopefully this kingdom wants."

"You will," Taehyung said, taking her hand under the table, "Everyone loves you."

Jordan and Jeongguk were stood in their room, Jordan looking at her reflection uncertainly, "What'd you think?"

"Drop dead gorgeous." He said, joining her in front of the mirror, "We look fucking fabulous,"

Jordan smiled, feeling the veins on his hands as he took hers, watching the rubies glitter from their fingers in the mirror, the rose pinned on Jeongguk's breast pocket matching the garland Jordan was wearing in her hair. The tabloids would definitely talk about it, how they looked cute enough to be the stars of the show.

"Well, lets go surprise the girl who needs it most. After me." Jordan joked, before pulling him out of the room and into Pixie's.

"Pixie, promise you won't open your eyes."

"Jordan Montgomery, who do you think I am? Do you not trust me?"

"Of course not! Why would I ask you then?"

Pixie had never felt so impatient, feeling her fingers tap on the thigh as she blindly let Jordan guide her through the castle, almost bumping into her younger sister when she stopped, "Open your eyes Pixie."

She did so and then clapped her hands to her mouth as she glanced at the party in front of her- it was exactly how she had dreamt it to be like (except with a few more people). She tightly embraced her sister before joining Taehyung, who had sneaked a bite of a cupcake when he hoed nobody had been looking. She wiped a smudge of icing from the side of his lip, making him move his face to gently kiss her thumb, making her cheeks heat up. He instantly pulled her to a small corner, "Let me have some alone time with my wife."

Jordan had spent her time sipping at strawberry lemonade or meeting new people (almost screeching when she saw Shawn Mendes eating an eclair ten feet away from her). Jeongguk didn't seem to mind but pressed her hand tightly to make sure she remembered that she was his and he was standing right behind her.

After some time and the noise had died down, the two had soon stood by the water fountain, eating strawberries as they watched people dance on the dance floor. Jordan was almost certain someone was filming them but really didn't care, the humidity making  her sweat and a little frustrated.

She was dozing off on Jeongguk's shoulder when the song began to play.

When 'Troublemaker' by Olly Murs began to play she sprang up, leaving Jeongguk behind and looked for Pixie, "PIXIE THIS IS OUR SONG WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU-"

She paused when Taehyung glared at her, his hand rested behind Pixie's head, "Can I please kiss by wife without being interrupted for once?!"

Pixie quickly pecked his lips, "Urgent call Tae, you've got to understand." She said before grabbing her sister's hand, the two giggled as they practically jumped onto the dance floor.

Taehyung was joined with an equally confused Jeongguk as they watched the girls dance to the song- the same choreo they had made long before their days as princesses. They didn't care that people they idolised or were utterly intimidated by were watching them- rather, they enjoyed the attention they were getting, ending the dance flamboyantly, the embarrassing moment being immortalised by the photographer as her snapped a shot of them. There were wolf whistles and cheers from the crowd as the two embraced, the guys approaching them, Taehyung with a smirk on his face.

"You really aren't the troublemaker here Pix." He said, taking her waist and pulling her away to dance.

It was night now and Jeongguk and Jordan were sat in their bedroom, playing video games. Jordan felt a metallic taste on her tongue- she'd bitten her lip in concentration too hard-

"Hello? Earth to Jordan?"

"Pix, go away or I might hit you with my control."

Taehyung switched off the TV, making the couple scream angrily. Pixie looked at her sister sweetly, "As your ever kind brother in law, Taehyung's going to steal Jeongguk for their night."

"That's not-"

"You're going to suffer as much as I did yesterday night," Taehyung said firmly, "And as me and Pixe are so kind, we will not be making out in front of you two."


"I'm giving up my first night married to Tae so you are protected of the "parent talks" neither of you will benefit from." She said, Jordan only noticing then how flushed her sister and brother in law's cheeks were, how they were taking deep breaths.

"Did you two fu-"

"Of course not?! Where did you get that idea from?!" Pixie said, pink with mortification.

"Just curious." Jordan said innocently, waving at Jeongguk as he led the room.

Pixie dropped the box she was holding onto the floor, pulling the duvet and pillows onto the floor, "Sheet masks, nail varnish, horror movies- I present to you your final girls night as an unmarried woman." Pixie said in a theatrical voice.

"Oh fuck yes," Jordan said with a grin and turned the light off.

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