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twelve . back-hugs and fruit


Pixie woke up the next day with her head sliding from Taehyung's shoulder to his chest. She sat up hastily in embarrassment, looking away before she realised Taehyung was still asleep. She stood up, taking the cardigan she was wearing off of her and pulled the curtains open, opening the windows. The nightgown she was wearing was still thin and the breeze that entered the room sent chills down her spine. There was a small mumble from the bed and she turned around.

Taehyung was hugging the duvet to his chest, his mouth wide open. She looked at him and thought back to the previous night, a grin on her face. He definitely wasn't sexy... well not asleep anyway. He was cute, she guessed before she blinked and looked away.

But she couldn't help but look back. The thin stream of pale sunlight that leaked through the windows met with his hair, making it look much brighter. His cheeks had more colour in them. He mumbled again. She gently walked towards the bed, moving the duvet over him before going down to help with breakfast.


Alesha had made a pot of sweet porridge for breakfast. Pixie passed bowls to Felicity and Anorak. She laughed as the young male cervitaur began spooning syrup into his porridge, "I think you should stop or you won't be able to eat your food." she said softly, taking some berries out of the fruit bowl, "Shall I cut up some strawberries instead?"

Anorak nodded when his twin sister chimed in, "Can I have some too?"

"Sure thing!" Pixie responded before she turned towards Alesha, "You're lucky to have such cute kids! They're adorable."

"Oh well, they're hard to manage sometimes," the cervitaur said before looking at her kids, "But I would never change them." she then winked, "You and Taehyung will also be wonderful parents one day."

"O-Oh... I doubt that," Pixie said as she began to cut strawberries, "Taehyung would have to prevent the child to stop climbing out of windows like their mother."

Alesha laughed at that, "Well, we shall see."

Pixie nodded and looked up when a drowsy Taehyung stumbled into the room. He saw Pixie and pouted. He stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his chin on her head. Felicity and Anorak squealed, putting their hands over their eyes.

"You left me," he whispered, his lips grazing the edge of her ear, his voice laced with fatigue.

"I had to help Alesha with breakfast." she said softly, maintaining a calm atmosphere yet going red.

"But you left me alone in that bed in the cold bedroom. Alone." he whined.

"You seriously need to grow up." she responded as he reached over and picked a strawberry off of the chopping board, his fingers stained red with juice.

Pixie gently moved out of his arms (much to his disappointment) and placed the strawberries in the kid's porridge before turning to face him, her hands going to his lips and tugged them upwards, "Smile!"

His pout resumed after she let go. Pixie sighed, wiping her hands before looking at him again, "Is there something you'd like to eat?"

Taehyung smirked. Pixie raised an eyebrow, "Porridge it is then." she said sternly, pouring out porridge for him whilst he laughed.

"Pixie, you're no fun~"

"You don't know that."

"Was that a challenge?"

"No. Now act properly, you're to be a prince and there are children in this room."

"You're definitely not fun."


"Jordan, for fuck's sake can you please wake up?!"

"Jeon Jeongguk, we're not even married, let me spend some time with my first husband~"

"You're not fucking married to sleep."

Jordan's eyes remained closed. Jeongguk knelt on the bed sighing sadly, "You leave me no choice." he said in faux-misery.

He let his hands travel to her neck and gently began to tickle her. Jordan swallowed down her laughter until Jeongguk continued, his hands moving over her body.

"O-Okay, I'll w-wake up, J-J-Jeongguk stop the tickling now!"

He panted for a moment, "Push-ups don't tire me but waking girls up clearly does." he stood up, pushing Jordan into his arms and carried her, whistling as he walked to the bathroom. He put her down in front of the door, "Quickly get ready or your food will get cold."


Jeongguk walked downstairs and sat beside Taehyung. His friend passed him a bowl of porridge and he tucked in, taking a quick moment to ask Pixie a question, "Is it always hard to wake Jordan up?"

"She wakes up early for comeback releases and birthdays. Besides them... yeah, it's pretty hard to wake her up."

Jeongguk slumped onto the table, looking sadly at his porridge, "I sweated Taehyung and I don't even sweat. I glow."

"You really don't." Jordan said as she entered the room in the pretty red dress she had been wearing yesterday. She slipped into the seat beside Jeongguk, stealing a strawberry from his bowl, "You smelt yesterday."

"I smell really nice! You're the one who smelt like avocados yesterday!"

"That's the scent of my shampoo you idiot!"

"I'm the idiot, says the person who got all four of us into a parallel universe."

"Says the person who jumped after me!"

"That's my job as your Prince Charming."

"You are so not charming."

  Harrison stopped the arguing from progressing by putting a round fruit onto the table, "Salak," he said, "It's just in season as well, please try it."

Jeongguk and Jordan grabbed for the fruit, both glaring at each other before Alesha saved them, "I'll cut it in half."

"The scent a person smells from the fruit are usually associated with scents that are close to the person's hearts."

"Ooh, like Amortensia in Harry Potter!" Pixie commented.

Jordan laid back, not really listening to the conversation, "Jeongguk, you still smell of sweat by the way."

"I had a shower-"

"Nope," Jordan sniffed, "You still smell like sweat."

Jeongguk smirked, "Hey- that's from the fruit." he laughed, "The scent that's close to your heart is me!"

Jordan stood up, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, "So, what do you smell?" she challenged.

"It's weird... It's like... mango-y... fruity-"

"That's the scent of the body mist I was wearing yesterday!" Jordan exclaimed triumphantly, "See, this boy's infatuated with me!"

Pixie, Taehyung, Alesha and Harrison began to laugh as the two continued to bicker.

ROYALLY UNFAIR .Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin