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Jordan knew Jeongguk hadn't let the priest finish their vows when their lips met. Her hands went up to his hair, his hands pressing at her back, pushing the two together, Pixie whooping like a proud mum in the backgrounf. When she pulled apart he grinned down at her, taking her hand, "You're  finally mine." He mumbled before pecking her lips again as they were ushered to the side of the stage and Pixie stood,  smiling at the newly-wedded couple as the speeches began.

"I'd like to first thank Jordan for the happy times we've had. I want to thank her for the cute photos and videos we took on holidays and trips, the cups of tea that she makes for me when I was stressed or ill. Thank you for making each night we spent watching films and eating food good. Thank you for comforting me after dad died. Thank you for teaching me that life is actually worth living." Pixie said, her teary gaze on her younger sister, "You've always taught me to rise and extinguish the flames and.... I wouldn't be who I am today." she took a breath, swallowing the sobs in her  throat, "As you begin the next chapter of your adventure of a life, I hope Jeongguk gives you back the love you gave me. I hope you both support each other and are able to be true to one another. And if he hurts you, remember that you have a sister who's ready to kick his pathetic ass." she said before putting the mic away and Jordan entered her arms, the two a big mess of tears, sobs and laughter. Pixie didn't want to let her go but slowly let go and handed her to her husband, giving Jeongguk a glance before picking up the mic again, "Um, Jordan, there's someone here to see you."

Jordan turned around to the main entrance of the basilica as a girl in red entered the room, a cheeky smile on her face.


The girl ran in her wedding dress down the aisle and into her best friend's arms.

"Glad you're happy to see me." The girl- Jasmine- said before slapping Jordan's upper arm, "I can't believe Pixie had to invite me, you didn't invite me you forgetful idiot-"

"I thought you were busy!"

"Idiot, I'd still attend your fucking wedding!"

Jordan held onto her friend before turning towards Jeongguk, holding her husband's arm as she spoke, "Jeongguk, this is Jasmine. Best friends since before princess days."

Pixie was stood in her room, Taehyung pacing behind her, "Pix, you sure everything's packed?"

"Tae, everything's there, don't worry." she said softly, "You need to stop panicking or that's all you'll be doing during the trip."

Taehyung sighed, frowning in her direction, "How are you so calm?!"

"I trust Meredith with my life, she wouldn't have forgotten anything." she responded, fixing her mascara, "You too should trust her too,if you are to live here in peace." she said, turning to tie his tie.

He glaced over her and into the mirror, wrapping her in an embrace and rested his chin on the top of her head, "We're flying out tonight."

"Wow, I totally didn't know that." Pixie responded in faux surprise, grinning up at him before patting his back, "You should enjoy it okay, have fun at the after party. And please don't get drunk on me again- you were tipsy last night, I did realise, you know."

"I like a good drink Pix, I'm not a baby."

"That's a surprise." She said before squealing as he began to tickle her, a gasp that was either a giggle or a pant coming from her mouth before she hit his upper arm, making him fall onto the bed, a hand on his heart, "My wife has wounded me the day after our marriage!" he said tearfully.

"Told you you were a little baby." She said, sitting beside him, looking at his pouty lips, "It's the truth though, you don't want me to lie to you, do you?" She said innocently.

"Stop being smart with me Pix." He growled as she winked at him and slipped into some heels, her hand reaching out to his, "Accompany me to the after party?"

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