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Pixie was sat beside Taehyung, her mouth wide open at what Clara had just said.

"She has what?"

"Portals miss," Clara repeated, "Portals which she travels through. Certainly you've realised she can read minds during times of distress?"

"That explains so much," Pixie mumbled before looking up at Clara yet again, "Do you know the location of these portals Clara?"

The maid looked at Pixie and Taehyung, "In the room you two were in two days ago- before dinner."

"Wait," Taehyung said, "That room full of mirrors?"

Clara nodded, "Mirror portals are not uncommon in this realm but her majesty's are one of a kind- they can travel through universes and time."

"There has got to be something up," Pixie said, "The queen spoke to us earlier saying she was trying to get us back. Does she need to do anything before letting people cross?"

"Not that I know of. She only has to call out the name of the place." Clara stated, "Miss Pixie... you did give Queen Portia your role as the next heir to the throne... Am I correct?"

Pixie looked at her with wide eyes, "Of course not! Why would you ever say that?"

"You might want to see this." Clara said, passing her something looked like a shard from a mirror. A video was paused on it. Jordan leaned over Pixie's shoulder as the video began to play. There was a whistle from Jeongguk and a giggle from Jordan when a picture of Pixie and Taehyung's... ah, kiss from the masquerade came up. Pixie felt her cheeks burn as she continued to watch as the Queen's face replaced the image.

"As you can tell, my dear niece is very much in love with her fiance, a son of her court's Dukes. She desperately wants to have her married life away from the limelight and has resigned her role as heiress to the Montgomery throne. I have kindly taken her spot and Pixie and her sister Jordan are looking forward to have a long, early honeymoon here in our wonderful kingdom!"

The screen went blank and Jordan stood up, "That's an insult to me and Pixie! 'Kind', my ass!"

Clara nodded before looking at the four, "I want to help you get home, you've been ever so nice to you... but I don't have a plan..."

"You've done more than enough for us already," Pixie stated, "I have a plan." She turned to face Jordan and Jeongguk, "You two will help Clara gather the maids that will want to help us." She then faced Taehyung, "Tae and I'll go back to the cervitaur village and ask Alesha and her family for their help. Then, we'll leave early tomorrow morning. After we leave, I'm trusting all the people we've gathered to break the glass to break the portals." She took a breath, "And we'll all live happily ever after if the queen isn't suspicious."

"How will you cover up us four being missing?" Jordan asked.

"I have it all planned, trust me."


Jordan took Jeongguk's hand whilst the latter grumbled, "I can't believe you actually got that Christian guy's number."

"Hey," she looked up at him, tugging at his pouty lips to make them smile, "If I didn't have his number, we wouldn't be going home on time."

Jeongguk didn't seem amused but held onto Jordan's hand tighter now, taking in her scent of flowers and bubblegum. They were approaching the garden where Christian had promised to meet them.

He was there, laying on the side of a water fountain, two people sat beside him. He sat up, smiling as Jordan approached, "Hey!"

"Hi," Jordan said, her gaze uncertain as she glanced at the two people sat beside him.

Christian smiled, "Don't worry, they're here to help as well." He said as he stood up, "This is Jackson and that's Taemin- both of them sons of guards, it won't seem suspicious if we're caught."

"Great," she said with a smile, "Okay, you three best be going to the hallway, me and Jeongguk are gathering more people."

"Certianly," Christian said, stopping before he left, "Jordan, you look stunning without a mask."

"We both have acknowledged that Sir Yu." Jeongguk said ever so sweetly, "Now me and my fiancee are going to go. Thank you ever so much for your help!" He said before snaking an arm around Jordan's waist and leaving.


Pixie sighed and rested her head on Taehyung's shoulder. She had told the Queen that the two were looking for places to stay during their early honeymoon and Portia had, gladly, given them a carriage which they had requested driven by Rufus, Clara's husband.

"I can't wait to go home and sleep in my bedroom again." She said, smiling at the thought.

"And then it's the weddings..." he said, looking down at her, "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." He said, leaning in to kiss her when the carriage stopped at a halt, pushing her on top of him.

"Okay, that totally ruined the moment," he said in annoyance as Pixie gently got off of him, "Come on Pix."

Pixie stepped out of the carriage and thanked Rufus before walking beside Taehyung, keeping him close so she wouldn't freeze in the snow. He knocked on the door of the cabin and Alesha's familiar face opened it, a gasp on the cervitaur's face when she realised it was them, "Taehyung, Pixie! It's wonderful to see you both, how are you both?"

Pixie smiled, "We've almost at home. We just need one little favour from you guys. If you don't mind that is."

Felicity ran towards her mother and squealed out to Harrison, "Daddy, the princess lady is back with the human man who hugged her in our kitchen!"

Harrison also entered the doorway, carrying Anorak, looking slightly confused, "What- wait? Taehyung? Pixie?"

The princess smiled at the twins, "Would you like to go to the palace and help us princesses get home?"

The twins nodded and Pixie looked at Alesha, "Your help will be much appreciated."

"We're in."


The four had arrived outside the portal room. It was dark and the sun hadn't begun to rise yet. All the people they had gathered standing around them.

The goodbye had been hard, a mix of wishes and hopes for the future (and Jeongguk hitting Christian's shoulder because he had apparently held Jordan for too long).

"Remember," Pixie said, placing a basket of rocks on the floor, "After all four of us have left through the portals, make sure you break all the mirrors with the rocks."

Everyone nodded and Pixie smiled, "We can't thank you all enough... we wish you could bring you back."

"Just send videos of the weddings and all of us will be fine."  Alesha said with a warm, motherly smile.

"A call once in a while would be nice too." Christian said.

"We can't thank you all by just that. We will try to visit... if we can that is." Jordan said as she and Pixie hugged the twins tightly.

Jordan looked at her sister, "You ready?"

"Never been more so."

On the count of three, the four jumped into the portals. Seconds later, the smashing began.

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