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three - kim and jeon

The four youngest followed after their respective parents in silence, their expressions ones of befuddlement. Jordan and Pixie walked beside one another while the boys tailed them into the large dining room. It wasn't the one they'd eaten breakfast in that morning - that room was solely for family. This one was for when King Lucian had important guests for dinner or an event of the like. It was a lot more regal looking, chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, portraits of each royal family member and the past ones adorning the walls and the marble floor polished and shining.

Pixie took hold of Jordan's hand as they approached the table, where the butler was showing everyone their seats. She knew well enough Jordan and her wouldn't allowed to sit together due to past misdemeanours the two had been part of, but she wanted to be with her sister right now. Call it intuition, but she didn't feel good about this situation. Not at all. 

"Pixie," King Lucian said simply, giving her a look which told her he knew what she wanted, and that it wasn't happening.

"Please?" Pixie whispered and looked away when Lucian shook his head, letting go of Jordan's hand and watching her walk around the table. Pixie sat at her own designated seat, which was between the tawny blonde man and his mother. Her eyes shyly diverted their gaze when she met his eyes,, a faint smile still on her face as she looked down. Slowly, everyone took their seats and the meal began with the King lifting his fork and knife. Pixie caught Jordan sneaking glances at both guys and gently (okay, not so gently) poked her unde

Jordan looked up at the guys again, about to start a conversation when her mother began to speak. She rolled her eyes and caught the smirk of the brunette guy across her. She (reluctantly) looked to her mother as she began to speak of 'what a pleasure it was to have the Jeon and Kim family here to stay for a while' and 'how pleased the girls were' and 'marriage documents'-

Wait. Marriage documents?

Pixie and Jordan froze and looked at their mother- their faces reading 'Huh?'. Lucian began to speak.

"Pixie is to be engaged to Taehyung and Jordan to Jeongguk."

Pixie rested the glass she was drinking from simply. She wasn't surprised that they were doing this but she was surprised it was this early. She looked at the guy across her who had met her gaze- Taehyung. This was her fiance? She quickly stood up and dusted her skirt down, shaking her head.

"Could you please excuse me for a moment?"

And like that, she had left.


Jordan had spent the rest of the day uncomfortably stuck with everyone else, helping with the tour. She bit her lip- she was going to kill Pixie for leaving like that. She continued to walk, now even more uncomfortable as she was only with the guys. When she found Pixie-

"Hey Jor?"

Jordan turned around to see her sister, more comfortably, yet still elegantly, dressed, her sketchbook and pencil case in her hands. Her eyes went back to the floor when she realised the guys were with her. Jordan practically ran towards her in desperation.

"Where have you been? I was looking for you everywhere!"

Pixie continued to look at her feet, "I was... uncomfortable."

"You were shy. Honestly, if mum or Lucian don't kill you, I am going to."

Pixie smiled and then raised her head, peeking behind Jordan and meeting the guys' gaze. She slowly approached them, her hand out.

"Pixie Sympa at your service."

Both shook it in turn and then the younger looked at her in confusion.

"Your surname is Sympa-Montgomery isn't it?"

Pixie nodded and smiled, "I prefer to go only by Sympa. It's the name I was born with, that my dad gave me. Unlike, Jordan, she likes Montgomery."

Jordan shrugged, "Sympa is very Pixie-y. Montgomery is more regal."

"Which you are not Jor."

"Shut up!"

There is some laughter and then Pixie looks up at the guys and Jordan.

"I'm going to go to the art gallery. I'll see you all later?"

"Wait- art gallery?"

Pixie turns around, pushing her hair out of her eyes in irritation. She looked for who had just said that: Taehyung.

"So, you're an art geek as well?" she said with a grin, slightly pleased that he seemed interested. She looked at Jordan, "I'll take this one off of your hands." she then turned to Taehyung, "I'm more of a listener than a speaker. I don't talk much."

He shrugged and began to walk along with her.


//LMAO THIS SUCKED. I'm sorry, I had no ideas and this clearly is the result. Ta-da? By the way Sarah wrote the start of this. And my parts really disappointing compared to it so I probably will rewrite my part in a bit!


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