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Pixie felt herself grow hot, her thoughts screaming at her. Her gaze was blurred as she sat down, breathing heavily. Taehyung looked at her with a frown as she sat beside her, his hand hovering uncertainly over hers before he pulled back, "Hey, you don't know Jeongguk, it's probably some kind of joke."

"Jordan knows better than to play pranks on me. She knows I panic easily."

Taehyung looked at her, his hand on her now, "They must be close by, she's left her stuff."

"She doesn't leave her stuff. Her phone is always on her if she wants to post something on her blog."

After she had said that, she unlocked Jordan's phone before tapping on her blog. She sighed; the last post had been from the night before when she and her sister had had a music video marathon. Pixie bit her lip and took a breath, slipping the phone into the clutch as she stood up shakily, "We should go to dinner. I could tell Lucif- I mean, Lucian then. Or one of the maids." she said before they began to walk, still breathing heavily.

"There has to be something behind this, they couldn't have just disappeared..."


"I'm not crying." Jordam growled.

Jeongguk approached her and reached out, his thumb on her cheek as he frowned.

"I have Raynaud's. It hurts a lot..." she said, her fingertips reminding her of the pale vitiligo patches that were present on Pixie's neck and back.

Jeongguk smiled for a moment, "You are Princess Jordan Montgomery-Sympa and I, you're knight in shining armour, Jeon Jeongguk will save you!" he said before hoisting onto his shoulders.

Jordan screamed and held tightly onto his neck. Slowly, the fear melted away and she gazed around them, "Where the hell are we?"

"I don't know," Jeongguk said helpfully, "I don't believe it snows much in your kingdom."

"And it's summer..."

Jeongguk frowned, "I think I see something ahead... Let's try and find some people."


Pixie and Taehyung entered the dining hall where all three pairs of parents were sat. Taehyung's mother smiled at her warmly, "I see you're getting on well."

"Yes thank you Lady Kim." Pixie responded patiently before she turned around to face the king, "Lucif- I mean... F-Father?"

Taehyung could see the discomfort etched on Pixie's face as Lucian responded, "Yes Pixie dear?"

"We can't seem to find Jeongguk or Jordan anywhere," she said softly, "Meredith and the other maids have checked the entire castle and grounds."

"Ah, they're probably just enjoying yourself your Highness."

"I beg your pardon Sir Jeon but my sister seemed to have left her bag and phone in the middle of the corn maze. It is common knowledge that she doesn't go anywhere without her phone." Pixie explained, wondering how Jordan would react to being exposed.

"Pixie darling," her mother chimed in, "You're sister and Jeongguk must not be far from here. Trying to sneak out together before the wedding... it's a common occurrence." 

The other adults nodded in agreement. Pixie stood up angrily, her chair falling behind her, turning towards her mother in disgust, "Your daughter is missing with a man she barely knows and you're going to sit here and name it a 'petty affair'?! Neither Jordan nor Jeongguk wanted this marriage." she snapped, her pretty-princess persona melting away, "This is a disgrace."

She then stormed out of the hall, slamming the door behind her, running past the art on the walls and fell onto the floor in her room, burying her face in her skirt.


Jeongguk had been walking with Jordan for the last forty minutes whilst she spoke to him, worried about getting back.

"I bet Pix has had three heart attacks by now, I hope she's okay. And I want to go home. I still haven't met Kim Jongdae, I'm too young to die."

"You aren't going to die, drama queen."

"I am Prin-"

"Princess Jordan Montgomery-Sympa. I know."

Jordan slumped on his shoulers. Her fingers hurt less now but her toes remained stiff.

"Ooh, land ahoy!" Jeongguk exclaimed, happy he could stop carrying Jordan in a bit.

Jordan glance up and grinned when she saw the small village in font of them. It looked like what Santa's Village looked like in children's picture books: a dozen log cabins were arranged in a horseshoe pattern around a roaring campfire. The buildings were decorated with wreaths and dried flowers it smelt of peppermint, forests and Pixie's favourite perfume.

Jeongguk began to walk and stepped in front of the closest house, gently carrying Jordan off of his shoulders, an arm around her waist to steady her. She knocked the door and there was an instantaneous reply. 

The two gasped.

The... thing in front of them had the petite body of a young woman with so warm skin but... at where her feet should have been, she had cloven hooves and antlers grew out of her thick brown curls. She seemed as faint as the two in front of her.

"Harrison my love?" the doe-girl spoke, "There seem to be two humans at the door..."

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