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Pixie hid behind Taehyung, one hand tightly around his waist and the other reaching out to his mouth as she tiptoed to cover it.

"Lady and Gentlements-" he called out, "Today will be the night that me and Pixie ma-"

Pixie tugged onto his arm and, knowing that she'd regret it, let their lips meet to silence him, his last words melting onto her lips. His lips were hot and soft, sweet and rich like dark chocolate chip cookies yet he had a more expensive taste that she wished to get used to. Part of her wanted to break apart and remove his mask to see him breathe heavily with hot, flushed cheeks, his face beaded with sweat before his lips tried to find hers, desperate and needy- that was sexy. She wanted his hands to travel up her spine and send goosebumps around her body whilst her fingers ruffled through his hair...

But instead she broke apart and stepped back, her want cooling down as people resumed their talking, "Come on, let me get you to bed-"

"Pixie, I think those people want to see us kiss again-"

"Come on Taehyung!" she said, pulling him behind her, her mask lopsided as she pulled him to their bedroom.

Jordan looked at Jeongguk, "I don't think that's really necessary-"

"What?" Jeongguk asked innocently, "I think I should meet the guy my fiancee danced with for a whole hour without looking for me."


"Stop with the pet names, do you really want me to make you shut up?"

Jordan grinned. Jeongguk glared at her causing her to shake her head. She held onto his arm, wanting to pull him to the side and talk to him about it but she knew she was too small and weak for that. She'd have to take this 'introduction' as positively as possible- her sister had taught her well. She smiled widely at Christian as they approached him, speaking before Jeongguk could, "Hey!"

"Hi," he responded in that gorgeous accent of his, "Who's this?"

"This is Jeon Jeongguk- my fiance." she said casually, not wanting it to be awkward after this.

"Oh!" Christian said in shock before smiling at Jeongguk, "You're a lucky guy."

"I am. She's cute, isn't she?"

"A, I'm not cute and b, I have a wicked personality as well."

"Not the perfect princess though." Jeongguk responded, his grasp tightening at her waist.

Her cheeks burned at the touch and almost forgot Christian was in front of them, "I'm a naughty girl." she said with a cheeky grin that made Jeongguk's eyes widen.

"Well, I'd better get going," Christian said, bowing and smiling, "Hopefully I'll see you both soon." he said, his gaze lingering on Jordan for a moment before he left, waving at a girl in a dove mask.

Jeongguk turned towards Jordan, pulling her towards him harshly, "Let's dance and forget about him." he said in a deep voice and spun her around.

Pixie had just tucked Taehyung into bed after she had struggled to make him go into the bathroom to get dressed. She too had changed into a tan slip dress, pouring a glass of water for him. She placed a curly straw into the glass and walked towards him, "Taehyung~" she whispered,  resting a hand onto his burning forehead- that wasn't normal wine. She shook him gently whilst calling out his name He blinked and opened his eyes, smiling up at her, his arms wide as he invited her into them, "Pixie!"

"Hey, sit up for me," she responded with a small smile, still a little worried about his temperature, "Drink up."

He took a sip and frowned, "I want a proper drink Pix, I'm a big adult-"

"Mr Adult has had a bit too much to drink, don't you think?" she said, pushing his hair from sticking to his forehead, "Please drink up."

He did so, giggling as he watched the liquid pass through the straw and into his mouth. Pixie stood up, removing her heels and lay in bed beside him, wrapping her arms around him and looked up at him as he sipped his water. He stopped suddenly, putting the glass to his side and put a hand on his forehead, "I feel like shit." he groaned as she laughed beside him.

"They drugged that wine, end of." she said, moving closer to him, enjoying his warmth, "I'll call for some medicine for your fever in a bit. We're having a much early night than I expected-"

"I can't believe I spoke about having sex with you in public!"

She laughed at that, "You're a cute, clueless drunk."

He frowned, "My hair's wet?"

"Oh, I washed it, it was getting a little sticky with sweat- you don't remember?"

"I barely remember anything. That's a shame, I wanted to remember our first dance."

"We'll have better times."

"Has anyone told you you're a great kisser? If not, Pixie Sympa, you are a fucking incredible kisser."

She laughed but blushed whilst Taehyung tickled her, "You act so innocent but in truth you're a bad princess who doesn't listen to her parents or fiance."

"I didn't listen? Wasn't that you?"

"I asked you to dance with me but you didn't listen." he whined, "Dance with me Pixie~"

Pixie sighed as he pulled her out of bed, his arms around her, hers around his neck as they swayed to the wind outside.

"See? Parties' are better when it's just us two." he stated, spinning her around above the ground, making her hands grip onto his shoulders.

"They are, aren't they?" she joked, "Except there's no food."

"I can offer you cold tea, water and cookies." he said before crinkling his nose, "God, I'll go take a proper shower. Thanks for washing my hair, just for the future, you can wash the rest of me as well."

She barely processed his comment, "Did you mean what you said?"


"When you said you'd wished we would've met earlier, everything you said ... did you mean it?"

Pixie watched his cheeks heat up as he ran his hand through his wet hair "Y-Yes... Yes, Pixie I really did." he swallowed and looked away

"I would've liked meeting you earlier as well..." she said, playing with his shirt's buttons.

Taehyung pulled her closer, swallowing the nausea he felt, not wanting to ruin the moment, "The feeling's mutual Pix, but I should go 'cause I don't want to puke on you. Hungover me is not as sexy as I usually am-"

Jeongguk and Jordan were dancing in silent unlike everyone around them who were laughing and enjoying their time. Jordan finally pulled away, "I might as well go upstairs if you don't want me to dance with Christian. I genuinely might fall sleep right now."

"You know Taehyung and I are professional dancers?"

"You're not really showing that."

"Oh really?" He said, spinning her round and dipping her down low. He grinned triumphantly before she frowned and pushed away.

"Jeongguk why are you being such a dick? she asked, "I bet you've danced with other girls."

"Yes, well not if I was in a relationship or engaged to them. My girl would always be my only girl during that time."

"Well girls are different to guys-"

"But you're the 'guy expert'!" he said, his voice getting louder.

"Gguk, I understand why you're upset but you don't need to get this angry!"

He turned around and walked out of the hall, Jordan following him, "Jeongguk, do you understand how rude it would've been if I'd refused? The Queen was watching me the entire time- Christian's the son of her Head of the Royal Guard- she would've smited me!"

"If you had explained-"

"Being a princess is not all crowns and ball gowns Jeon Jeongguk," she screamed at him before turning around, tears forming in her eyes as she left him outside, alone once again.

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