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five . dresses and plans

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Before Pixie could lower herself, the sharp sound of a door swinging open echoed around the corridor. Both Pixie's and Taehyung's heads snapped around in surprise and a small yelp tumbled from Pixie's lips upon seeing her mother's figure standing in the doorway. She lifted her hands off the windowsill in her shock and wobbled dangerously on the edge before falling backwards, her head smacking against Taehyung's chest. The two simultaneously groaned in pain. Taehyung helped steady the petite girl and she shoved her bare feet back into her heels, while the sound of her mother's own heels stabbing the ground grew louder.

"What were you doing?" One of the queen's carefully plucked eyebrows was raised, and her gaze full of- what was it? Too sharp to be disappointment but too soft to be distaste, it was something in the middle. Pixie almost felt guilty. Almost.

"Nothing." Pixie replied.

"Fine," Her mother sighed, not wanting to waste time nor give Taehyung a reason to dislike his future mother-in-law by scolding the girl, "Where are Jordan and Jeongguk?"

"I don't know." Pixie bluntly put.

"I'll send a maid to fetch them. You two need to follow me back to the kitchen," She looked at Taehyung now, "Your parents, myself and Pixie's father are discussing wedding details. Of course, a lot of things have to be controlled and you won't be able to cater to your liking much; the procession, the meal, all of that. But we still need to inform you of what will happen on the day. Timing and everything. Follow me."

With that, she turned around, knowing the two would follow.

Pixie's eyes shot daggers at her mother's back before her expression relaxed, and she walked. She hated when her mother acted like that. Acted royal, formal, even when she didn't need to. It was just so different from what she was really like. She hadn't seen the real side of her mum in ages. The side from before her father died. The side which would make weirdly shaped cookies. The side which would put little notes in the girls' packed lunches every now and then. The side which would squeeze the living daylights out of her daughters after a petty argument, making them feel five years old again. She wanted to see that side again.

She sighed softly, suddenly becoming alert when she felt Taehyung, who was walking beside her, looking at her.

"Where were we going to go?" He asked, his voice hushed. He was trying to be quiet but not doing a good job, and Pixie could practically see her mother's ears perk up as she tried to listen in on them.

"You'll find out," She murmured, eyes forward.

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Jordan and Jeongguk had been glaring at each other for a good minute. Normally, Jordan would have cracked a smile under the awkwardness, but she was far too pissed off.

Jeongguk sighed, the fire in his eyes slowly beginning to burn itself out, "Jordan, listen-"

A female voice interrupted him. A maid stood only a metre away from the two, her hands clasped before her as she informs them of the queen's demand to bring them to the kitchen. In their anger, neither of them had even heard the maid approach them.

Jordan nodded and began walking as soon as the maid's head turned. Jeongguk tried to stop her, his hand resting on her arm to get her to slow down. She shrugged her off, looking at him with furrowed eyebrows, "Don't touch me."

Jeongguk gave up with a sigh, beginning to walk slower than Jordan. He hated how difficult she was being, but he fully understood. He didn't want to get married either. And from what he knew of the boy, he'd say Taehyung didn't either. It was incredibly unfair of the adults to try to force them into something none of them wanted – they were young. Sure, Jeongguk had always wanted to get married young, but of his own accord. Not like this.

It didn't take long for Jordan and Jeongguk to reach the kitchen. Inside, King Lucian stood at the head of the table with Jeongguk's father and Taehyung's father on respective sides of him. They leaned over some papers and pictures, scanning them and talking. The women sat down, talking. Jordan couldn't help but think it was ironic that they'd already gotten so close while all she knew of Jeonngguk was his name. She began walking towards Pixie and Taehyung, who stood awkwardly beside each other, peering over the papers themselves. Pixie did not look happy.

"We can't even choose our dresses?" Jordan heard Pixie say as she approached, a tinge of desperation to her elder sister's voice.

"No, darling." King Lucian sighed, looking up at her. Pixie's mouth twitched in disgust at the 'darling' – she hated that. It was so demeaning. "It's tradition. You'll have different dresses, but they have to be appropriate for the occasion. Your mother and I have already chosen."

"So? It's not your wedding." Pixie muttered under her breath. She knew there was no going back from the marriage, but she wanted to at least have some things go her way. It turned out she had her hopes too high.

"Can you just tell us where we need to go so we can leave already?" Jordan asked, her voice loud enough to make sure everyone got the notion that she was annoyed.

"So eager to be alone," Jeongguk's father chuckled, looking at the couples, "I hope you know nothing can happen until the wedding night."

It was a meaningless joke, but one that painted looks of shock onto Jordan and Pixie's faces. Taehyung gave a contrary response – a snort of amusement. Jeongguk glared at his father, mumbling a 'shut up'.

"Everyone's just tired, dad."

King Lucian smiled and rubbed his forehead as he looked at the couples. He was happy, clearly. He had reasons to be. "We'll be doing the weddings on separate days. I- Jordan, do you think you'll remember this?"

"Of course," Jordan tutted, "please carry on."

"I decided to have Pixie and Taehyung's wedding first, on Friday. Both weddings will follow the same timetable. Awake at 5, a light breakfast. It'll take three hours for everything to be ready, and the procession will be at 9. Quite simple, really. Tomorrow, a tailor will be coming in to take measurements for all of you. Please don't forget. After that, you'll have the whole day for yourselves. Oh- after Pixie and Taehyung's wedding, we'll have quite a lot of prestigious guests staying the night for Jordan and Jeongguk's wedding, out of courtesy. I suggest you stay in your rooms, just so no bad impressions are made. And finally, on Sunday, all four of you will fly out to your honeymoon destination. Wherever you want, but we can sort that out later."

The King gave them a small smile before looking back down at the paper's in front of him, restarting the conversation he was having with the girls' future in-laws.

"Well," Pixie sighed. She looked up at Taehyung, "Wanna see what I had to show you?"

Jordan's eyes widened at Pixie's words but she mentally assured herself there was an innocent meaning behind them.

She sighed and made her way out of the kitchen. She was well aware the footsteps she could hear behind her were Jeongguk's, but she pretended she couldn't see him, walking outside. She wanted to be alone, and if she couldn't be, she'd pretend she was. She pulled the pins out of her hair and sighed at the feeling, tension escaping her forehead. Hooking them onto her dress, she made her way to the dome-shaped greenhouse. It would be hot, and uncomfortable. Hopefully hot and uncomfortable enough for Jeongguk to get lost.

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