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thirty one . gifts and flights .

Jordan and Jeongguk's party ran until midnight, though people had begun dispersing as early as an hour before, tired from attending two extravagant weddings in a row. Jordan bid her farewells to everyone who approached her before their exit, enviously watching them leave. Her eyes widened when she caught sight of Kim Jongdae for the first time that night, walking towards her. She murmured something about being in a dream which Jeongguk rolled his eyes at, but he didn't mind her talking to him much as she'd waited patiently while he had complimented IU on her performance. Jordan returned to her husband with a giddy demeanour which he didn't comment on, snaking his arm protectively around her small waist.

"I bought you a gift, by the way. Gave it to a maid to put in your room because I knew you wouldn't bother to open it until years later if I didn't. You'll love it," Jasmine whispered into Jordan's ear before she left the castle, giving her a suggestive wink. The wink told Jordan all she needed to know — there was no way she'd open that gift in front of Jeongguk now.

When the couple finally entered their bedroom, tired out of their minds, Jordan had to force herself not to let out a groan at the massive packaged gift with a unnecessarily large bow tying it together lying atop her bed.

"Damn, what's that?" Jeongguk asked in a tired murmur, walking towards it.

"Nothing more important than sleep," Jordan quickly said, picking it up before he could get close and carrying it to the other end of the room. The box was heavy and Jeongguk tried to help Jordan carry it, but she insisted she could manage.

Jeongguk frowned, "Well, can we open it before we leave for Bora Bora tomorrow?"

Jordan stayed silent, not knowing what to say. Of course, she didn't know for sure that her suspicions were correct, but knowing Jasmine well enough and recalling the conversations they'd had in the past, she was 95% sure what was in there would be embarrassing for her and delightful for Jeongguk. So she changed the conversation, "We need to move your stuff in here when we get back, finish getting all your clothes into the closet and stuff."

"Yeah," Jeongguk murmured, unbuttoning his shirt while Jordan grabbed her pyjamas, "What are you going to do with all those plushies?" He asked, gesturing towards the toys stuffed under her desk.

"Probably give them away. Except Tao, I could never part with Tao." She stated.

"Tao is easily the cutest," Jeongguk chuckled, quickly changing into some sweatpants and a thin shirt before climbing into bed. "Not cuter than me though."

"Debatable," Jordan grinned at him before disappearing into the bathroom to get changed herself. By the time she had washed her face and slapped on some night cream, Jeongguk was already asleep, the long day taking its toll on him. Jordan smiled softly at the sight — his lips formed an 'o' shape and his hair dangled over his eyes, his arms stretched out to the right. It was nothing like the badass facade Jeongguk tried to put on at times. She got into the bed beside him and knocked-out Jeongguk seemed to sense her presence somehow, wrapping his arms tightly around her and resting his chin on the top of her head. It didn't take long for her to fall asleep, his hold comforting.


Pixie had hoped she'd get a chance to say goodbye to Jordan before they had to leave for Italy, but the news came to her that her younger sister had gone to bed and that she'd simply have to settle with a video call. Pixie's eyelids were beginning to droop by the time they approached their private plane and she was just grateful they didn't have to wait lengthy queues to board — it meant she could fall asleep on the flight.

Taehyung, on the other hand, could not seem to control his excitement. The alcohol he'd had during the party affected this and he'd break into a massive grin at the most random of times, and gush to Pixie about how he couldn't wait to go to Italy. He'd been before, a few years ago, but this time it'd be so much better because he'd get to spend his time with Pixie. No one he travelled with last time shared his passion for art like she did. He couldn't wait.

"They have mosquitoes there, which sucks," He murmured as he sat down on his seat, Pixie already wrapping the blanket they'd been given around her, "My body does not react well to bites."

"There's cream to deter mosquitos, I'll buy you some of that."

"Will you apply it onto me as well?" He grinned at her, his eyes sparkling.

Pixie snorted and rolled her eyes, "Go to sleep, Tae."

"That's a 'yes' to my ears, Pix," He simply smiled as she turned to face the window and stretched his legs before him. He groped his seat for a few moments, trying to find the button which would cause to tv screen to lift out. Pixie noticed and pressed it for him, a small smile on her face.


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