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PIXIE WENT TO SLEEP EARLY that night. Taehyung had called her down for dinner- he'd made her favourite food just so she'd soften a little bit. He had smiled at the platter on the table: ricotta and spinach cannelloni, baby potato salad and mini peach melba crumbles for dessert.

He'd called her down three times, before going upstairs to their bedroom to find her fast asleep, her mouth wide open and her hands scrunched up in the sheets.

She hadn't bothered to wipe off any of her makeup or get changed- the peachy lipstick she'd been wearing has smeared onto the sleeves of her blouse and her socks were still on- Pixie hated sleeping with socks on.

He gently placed her head on his lap- she was in too deep of a sleep to even mutter in her sleep. He grabbed a makeup wipe off of the bedside table and gently wiped the makeup off of her face, watching as the colours blended onto the pale, cucumber scented wipe.

She fidgeted in her sleep, closing her mouth and smacked her lips incoherently before blinking awake, her eyes wide when she saw Taehyung looking down at her, quickly standing up before moving to the door silently.

"Pixie." His breathed out to her, making her wince at how vulnerable he sounded. He raked a hand through his cherry-red hair before biting his lip, "Baby, I don't know what I've done-"

"Please don't call me that."

He looked at her and how her gaze seemed to pierce his skin and how her head seemed higher. She looked at him like she had when he was stood outside the castle when they first met: her eyes washed through him as if he wasn't there.

"Pix." He stammered, looking at how stiff she was, "Love, you're my wife. I'm there for you no matter what- You're part of me, the most important thing in my life." He stood up, walking towards her and cupped her face in his hands.

Pixie didn't meet his gaze as he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, "Pix, I think we should go downstairs, have some dinner and talk, does that sound alright?" he asked slowly, waiting for her response.


Jeongguk looked up at her, "We were pretty normal kids I guess. What do you mean?"

"What were you interested in? What did you do in your free time?"

"I was always interested in sports and videography and all the shizzle. Taehyung was more sophisticated- he's talented in all the creative arts- music, art, drama."


Jeongguk furrowed his eyebrows whilst Jordan shrugged, "I just want to know who me and Pixie are beating." She said, a sweet smile on her face.

He chuckled at that, wiping the side of his mouth with a napkin, "I didn't have any proper relationships to be honest- just smallish flings. Taehyung had a girlfriend but that was it- he broke up with her after he caught her cheating."

Jordan couldn't help but feel rather surprised- what were these rumours about then? Were their purpose just to make Pixie upset on her honeymoon or cause friction in between the young couple. She glanced at her phone, "Ggukie, Taehyung wasn't a player, was he?"

"Is this about that video that was leaked? And the articles?"

Jordan nodded, "You knew?"

"I don't think Taehyung does."

"I think Pixie is under the impression that the rumours are true Ggukie."


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