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Pixie chuckled softly, taking the last sip of her tea and carefully putting the mug down as she looked at him, "God, why can't I resist this?" She laughed, getting off the bed.

"I really want to look around this place, it's- it's kinda strange, don't you think?" He asked, looking down at the garden below, "Did you notice that the maids and everyone in this castle are like- the same height as us? Normal-looking, I mean. But everyone in that city was so big."

Pixie frowned, only just realising, "Woah. That is weird."

"This place is shady. The queen is scary as hell too," He sighed and sat on the edge of the balcony, pushing away his fear of jumping down. He watched as Pixie perched herself beside him, "We jump at the same time, okay?"

"Okay," Pixie grinned, able to tell he was scared. She took his hand to comfort him before she jumped, both of them landing nimbly onto the grass. "That wasn't too bad, was it?"

"What do you mean? Of course it wasn't too bad. I knew it wasn't too bad." Taehyung said, shoving both of his hands into his pockets as he looked around. The garden was looked after, but nowhere near as clean and pretty as the one in Pixie's castle. The queen clearly cared far less about the exterior than the interior, which was strange.

"There's nobody here," Pixie muttered, looking around. She began to walk towards a small door. It was coloured the same cream as the walls of the castle, blending it in nicely. Almost as if it was supposed to be hidden. "I wonder what's in here."

Taehyung joined her, looking behind him just to make sure there was no one around. He took the knob and turned it, pulling open the door.


"I'm looking like class and he's looking like trash, can't get with no dead-beat ass," Jordan sang as she flung the door of their room back open. She'd just finished her bath and had changed into a pretty white summer dress she'd taken from the closet. She exaggerated every syllable she sang, beginning to dance as she walked into the room, "So no! I don't want your number, no! I don't wanna give you mine and no! I don't wanna meet you..."

Jeongguk sat on the bed, drying his hair. He grinned as he watched her spin around, the towel wrapped around her hair slowly beginning to slip off. He wondered if she knew he was there but realised she did, laughing when she jumped on the bed and took his hand. She tried to pull him up but was too weak to do so, falling down in the process.

"Sing with me!"

"I don't know that song," Jeongguk lied, watching her get off the bed again. That bath seemed to give her a massive energy boost.

"That's a shame. It's my anthem," Jordan grinned, walking towards the teapot the maid had brought in for them. "Want some?"

"Only a bit," He smiled, "Was your bath nice?"

"Very," Jordan walked back towards the bed, carefully holding her cup of tea, "It was nice to be in water without drowning," She shot him a look.

"Come on!" Jeongguk laughed, "I've apologised like- a gajillion times."

"Not sincerely."

Jeongguk groaned, rolling over onto his stomach to look at her, "Jordan Sympa-Montgomery, I am sincerely sorry for accidentally drowning you on multiple occasions. Please, let us put this past us." He looked up at her with what he hoped was a cute enough expression for her to forgive him.

Jordan grinned widely, "I'll think about it," She took a small sip of her tea, "Why did you push me away?"

"Pixie and Taehyung were coming, I thought you'd get embarrassed or something."

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