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(not a happy chapter but taehyung in that gif- i loved lights yes prosqer i actually updated royally unfair)

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(not a happy chapter but taehyung in that gif- i loved lights yes prosqer i actually updated royally unfair)

Pixie followed Taehyung downstairs into the dining room and sat down. She wanted to smile at how he was piling food onto her plate but something just seemed wrong about the action. She patted his wrist to stop him from plating the whole dish of pasta onto her plate beofre taking a small bite.

Taehyung could cook extremely well. She appreciated that but her insides were so hollow that it felt like her tastebuds had gone on holiday at the wrong moment. She longed to sit beside him, hold his hand and tell him he shouldn't have put in so much effort for lunch but the words simply weren't coming out.

"I hope you're not sick of pasta. But because we're in Italy, it just seemed right. Also, like Lady and the Tramp feels even though it's not spaghetti." he babbled before running a hand through his hair before sitting down, "I'm overthinking."

He looked expectantly at Pixie before sighing at her blank expression, "I'm not going to force you to say anything Pix. I just want you to be alright so... if you want to talk, remember that I'm here, okay?"

She looked up at him, her lip quivering as she looked at him, "Taehyung, this isn't logical."

He stood up and rested a hand on her back as she looked down at her lap, "You're so kind. So kind. This can't be."

She looked at him before giving him a small, sad smile before cupping his face in her hand before placing her lips on his, tears sliding down her cheeks and onto their lips before she looking at him, pecking them once more before standing up, tying her hair into a bun before leaving into the kitchen.


Taehyung watched her pull on a jacket as she looked at him again. He looked sadly at her, "Please tell me what's going on."

"You'll probably find out soon." she said, her voice shaky as if she was trying not to cry, "I just need some time to clear my mind. I'll be back in the morning."

"I love you."

Pixie looked at him once more before she left, "I love you most."

Jordan walked onto the balcony of the house of where she and Jeongguk were staying, watching the waves fold in and out of the bay before looking at the room where Jeongguk was lying on the bed.

She entered the room, walking towards him and wrapping her arms around him, making him smile, "What's up?"

"The sky." she said quickly before smiling, "Get changed, let's go to the beach."

"You're on."

In fifteen minutes, she and Jeongguk were walking on the beach, the sand tickling inbetween their toes as Jordan wrote a huge 'HELLO WORLD' with her foot before the waves erased her masterpiece. She glared at the blue waves before Jeongguk carried her in his arms, hugging her to his chest as he ran into the water making her screech due to the cold.

"Jeon Jeongguk, put me down-"

"You sure?"


Jeongguk clumsily dropped her out of his arms and Jordan was soon in the water, spluttering due to the salt water before she stood up, splashing him with water, "You. Utter. And. Absolute. Dickhead." she said, splashing him in between words.

"You don't mean that."

"Yes I do." she responded stubbornly.

"Well, I was about to buy ice lollies-"

Jordan perked up at the sound of her favourite snack, running towards him, wrapping her arms tightly around him and kissing his lips, "I love you and you deserve the world and you're the best guy in the world and I love you so so much-"

"I'm guessing bubblegum?"

"That's my boy."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2019 ⏰

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