Chapter 16:- Lost and Found.

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Akaash skids the Tesla sideways 180° and as he does so, the left half of the car scrapes against the highway. The moment he skid the car, I got a glance of the van that was blocking the road. In that fraction of a second when we skid against that Van, there was something that caught my eye, even though there was a lot of screaming in between, my eyes were fixated on the Van while I screamed for my life.


The car stopped.


"Akaash! You could have killed us back there, how could you even think of driving so fast?!", Shreya screamed at him.

"It wasn't my fault! You yourself saw that there was a black Van blocking the highway at 10 pm, like who does that? If you want someone to blame then get down and scold him not me.", Akaash defended himself.

"Well, it's not like you have a license to justify your argument that you can drive, do you?", Shreya asked with crossed hands.

Honestly, I think Akaash should have ended it right there and be mature about the situation, but you know how a guy's EGO just keeps on BOILING if they are proved wrong about something that they have more knowledge about.

"Ya right, says the one who was encouraging me to go faster on this OPEN highway! Speak for yourself now.", Akaash replied.

"Oh don't start winding up this topic to put the blame on the others, you know it's your mistake so just accept it and move on.", Shreya frowned.

"GUYs! Stop fighting with each other for no reason! We have a bigger problem to look after, Dhruv's missing..", Arya shouts while peaking out of the window.

Oh boy, this was getting worse than I expected. My teenage mind was racing and I was coming up with the most bizarre ways of where Dhruv might have ended up.

Got run over by a car:- This situation is the least feasible because the highway was empty. *Phew*

Got run over by OUR car:- Yeah this seemed a lot more likely, and also explains why there was a Bang after the car skid.

Subconscious Mind:- "Oh boy!"

3) Got up and was smoking weed with some stranger on the road:- Tbh this sounded like a really stupid situation, but it's Dhruv after all, he's a pothead.

Subconscious Mind:- "If you decoded the pun then I Love you! Not even kidding :3"

All 7 of us being the responsible children that we were, got out of the car and switched on our flashlights and began to search for our friend Dhruv. Shreya runs in the opposite direction of the car screaming, "Dhruv! Dhruv! Can you hear me?!"

The others just kinda chilled back and stood by the car, thinking that Dhruv will make his way back because the car's high beam was blinding enough to be spotted from quite a long distance. Honestly, this was a stupid decision by us, but we had Priyanka who was smart enough to make a call onto Dhruv's phone.

"Ok, it's ringing! Now we just have to follow the sound from his phone!", Priyanka sounded so much like Sherlock.

The squad followed Priyanka down the highway, well most of the squad. Akaash volunteered to stay back to take a look at his car.

*glancing at the car* 

Eeesh, that left side of the car looked nasty! I can only imagine what was going on in his head when he noticed the scratches.

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