Chapter 21:- The Target's Daughter

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The car comes to a sudden halt and I almost face-plant on the front desk, thanks to Inertia. I look at Aakash; the guy is not sweating one bit, this truly was his everyday life I guess. Too tired and shocked at the same time I did not ask him any questions like, "Where are we?", or "What if I get shot by someone?", etc.

We started to approach the mansion, which looked like it had been decorated for some wedding occasion or some kind of get together, and we sneaked in with all the knowledge we had gathered from playing Mission Impossible, and of course admiring Tom Cruise! 

Subconscious Mind:- "Oh the things I would do to him if I had a chance.."

I walk up to Aakash who was analyzing the situation we were in behind a bush and I asked, "Hey, so this Sylvester Guy; have you ever seen him? Do you have a photograph of him?"

Aakash turns around and gives me a resting bitch face and replies, "Why on Earth would I keep a picture of him on my phone? It's not that I have a Snapchat Streak with him.."

That's when I get a notification that read, "Natalie has sent you a snap."

Subconscious Mind:- "Seems fishy?"

I jumped behind another bush to make sure he doesn't notice that I'm not focusing on the mission. I opened the snap and was eager to get rid of this boredom by chatting with Natalie. Then the snap opens and on the top bar I see that she has sent multiple snaps to me.

The first few were just of the place that looked like a posh hotel, then the food, then her alcohol glass and finally her picture. She had the caption, "What's up Nerd???", the caption was convincing enough hence I was confident that she had sent it ooonlyy to ME! 

Subconscious Mind:- "You're not the only nerd in the class you dwaddlepuff!"

Hush, Subconscious Mind. Let me have my moment.

Aahhh, how can you defy beauty itself man?! She was wearing this BEauTiFuL dark bluish one piece that just made me gasp for a second! I mean it's amazing to be beautiful but it's a whole new ball game if you defy the word itself! This women was astounding! So my turned on teenage testosterone made me send a picture of myself in the Tuxedo to her with the caption, "Nothing much cutiee, Seems like you're well dressed; what's the occasion?"

Well I was feeling great now that I had the Tuxedo on, but the fact she might be somewhere else made me sad. That's when Aakash called out my name, "Johnn! The men signal that they've found him in the lawn where all the celebration is going on, we've got to get to him before he escapes!"

"What about the reinforcements? I thought your Granddad would send men?", I asked with a shrug.

"They are on the way John, don't panic. NOW just follow my lead and cover me.", he replied.

We walked towards this Giant gate that led to the the lawn of this mansion, surprisingly there was no security so we casually walked in the party area. That's when my phone buzzes once more, It was a notification from Natalie again, It read, "Oho! Looking smart huh? Where are you headed to? Btw I'm at my Dad's reunion party man, It's so boring! All old people here! ;)"

Reluctant to not leave her on seen, I took a picture of this chocolate fountain in the lawn and captioned it, "Oh that's sad, I'm enjoying this amazing chocolate fountain desserts!"

Then Aakash stopped in his tracks and started to gaze at some people, which did seem weird to me but not to the others for some reason. I mean I think they get these stares almost everyday so meh..

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