Chapter 19:- The Creep is Back.

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"Well THAT was a landslide that happened back there, wasn't it?", Sensei Nanda asked.

I looked at him with the most annoyed most face that I could come up with, but the guy just couldn't hold back his laughter!

"Come here boy!", he calls out to me with his arms out.

"I saw what happened up there and I know it was embarrassing to witness, but I have good news too!", he smiles at me but cracks up again about the situation after looking at my sad face.

Subconscious Mind:- "Is it bullying if your Sensei makes a mockery out of your self-embarrassment? Oh, is it not? Well fuck it then, John you're a p*ssy if you keep weeping about it."

"Sensei!", I looked at him in the eye and screamed.

"Let's get back to the training already!", I walked back into the Circle of Lumber to practice my kicks.

Hey there MTV, and Welcome to My CRIB!

Those would be my words to you guys before showing off my training arena for the karate competition! Only thing is I don't own any of them :')


So at the start of the room, you obviously open the door and walk in to see this Gigantic Mirror from which you can look at your progress once you enter and leave for the day!

*Flexes at the mirror*

Subconscious Mind:- "You know this noodle arms dumbfuck doesn't have a thing to look at in the mirror, other than the size of his head! Jesus, that's a HUGE head!"


Next up we walk into the Padlock Arena!

Here we have Blue coloured, Knee length Punching bags where one can strike at the bag with all the might that he/she has because this guy right here contains 5 kgs of sand in him! *pats the punching bag*

Next, we have the Agility Ring!

You karate is all about speed, the faster your attacks are, the better you would be in both winning and confusing your opponent. Here we have the classic gymnastics/Zumba mattresses that are used for Yoga and Warm-ups so that our bodies are not sore before or after the fight.

Last but not the least, it is the Circle of Lumber!

This section is by far my personal favourite because of the various obstacles in it, we have a wide range of structures designed with extensions of wood to practice with.

Eg:- There is one 3 feet tall, cylindrical timber structure that is placed on a rotating platform. The cylindrical structure is called the Makiwara, in Japanese and we made a few changes and added some spikes on it, that too was made of timber. This was used so that whenever a person strikes at the Makiwara, it is designed to rotate and the spikes would hit the person from the opposite direction. This made us aware that if we know how to attack then we MUST also know how to defend!


2 hours into intense practicing and Sensei Nanda calls out to me.

"John come here, sit.", he exclaimed.

I walked out from the Circle of Lumber and into the main hall adjacent to the Gigantic Mirror and sat down on the floor next to Sensei, while I gasped from the air.

"I see that you have been practicing a lot more than I told you too, I appreciate the fact that you want to win the title but it should not come at the cost of your well being boy.", he said.

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