Chapter 18:- Do My Instincts Warn Me?

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Do you guys ever feel that some of the things that you see happening in front of you, has already happened before, or you've witnessed it long before it happens but it only hits you between the fraction of a second of the event taking place and you frowning at the people involved in it as your brain says," Oi Mate! This shit's happened before!"

Ever experienced that?

If yes, then you're in for a treat.


My vision is blurry and all I can see is a red thing approaching me at high speed and bang! My screen goes black!

I shake my head and realize that I'm on the floor, somehow and my cheeks hurt. Might be because of the long talk I had with my uncle last night about Batman and why he is a creepy superhero. Anyways that is a weird start to a Wednesday, but whatever.

Sleepy faced me walks into the karate class in school at 7 am in the morning, today was supposed to be the first training session for the upcoming karate tournament and that I was participating in, by MYSELF.

The fact that there was no one who could match up to my skill and PoWeR of the punches and kicks that I threw shaped my road ahead to represent my karate clan in this district-level championship.

Subconscious Mind:- "The others were busy with their preliminary exams and tied up with assignments, it is not that this douche was that great to go ALONE."


Not one time can I have a break from this subconscious!

Subconscious Mind:- "Suck it, I'm going to be here ALL the TiMe!"

Anyways, I will try and not drift away from my topic.

My school doesn't really encourage karate as an activity that can be organized as a huge event with eliminations and blah blah with the victor being awarded a trophy and MaaaYbe, a cash prize. Nevertheless, they encourage students to take up chess. Yes, ChEsS.

The one sport that is soooooo old that it was used in ancient times for drawing out battle lines and discussing strategies for a war when armies used compose of Spearmen, Knights, Bishops (excuse me wtf, how can a holy man do shit? At least call them spiritual wizards!), Elephants, Queens and A FUCKING fat, lazy king who would only take a step!

I mean this is ridiculous! You're the flipping king, do something. The stupid spearman can move more than you, and they get paid less! You own the fucking treasury, buy some jetpacks and start moving you, little wanker! You don't expect your wife (queen) to be loyal to you, do you? She can literally travel to the other side of the board and kiss the enemy king and come back to your side while you manage to only cover one block of the chessboard.

Subconscious Mind:- "Calm the fuck down John! It's just a game."

That's the flipping point! Why do y'all still play it? It's not like Trump would say "Queen to C5" and Melania Trump would slide forward and slice opens some soldier's neck for him. It could be Ivanka Trump to do so because the old guy himself admitted that he'd date Ivanka if she wasn't his daughter.

Subconscious Mind:- "......."

Yeah.... I know I went off topic again.

Aaanyways! The Bottomline is chess is something that should be played as a sport or best just leave it as a relic, but don't choose it over KARATE. In today's world, you don't know when you are going to get jumped by some random dude, and you're in a situation where you have to fight for your life.

You're not going to whip out your chessboard and ask him which side he wants, black or white? Noo, you're going to whoop his ass by doing a series of punches and kicks that you'll learn from karate! Karate helps all the time!

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