Part Thirteen

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"You should try and get some sleep." Peter said as he was walking away.

"Please stay! I don't want to be left alone again." I said anxiously. Peter stopped and turned to face me. He smiled and nodded while he sat back down. I smiled back. Having him in the room made me feel safe. After I watched Peter fall asleep, my eyes grew heavy and I drifted off to sleep. In that moment, I felt happy.

I woke up to Sean and Jacob quietly talking. Peter was sitting beside me as if he were protecting me. Peter noticed I was awake and softly smiled. I smiled back trying to sit up. My body was sore while my back continued to ache in pain. Sean rushed over with a glass of water and gave me a pill that said Advil.

"I know this won't do much, but it is better than nothing." Sean said as I swallowed the pill and sips of water. I finished the water and Sean took the glass. In that moment, I only wanted to hug him. As if he knew what I was thinking, he pulled me into his arms and whispered,"I will make sure you get out of here. I will get you out of here."

The two guards entered the room just as Sean and I were pulling away from each other. They placed a plate with a peanut butter and jam sandwich beside Sean. They also brought another glass of milk. After they placed both beside Sean, they left. I was glad it wasn't to bring me to another torture session.

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