Part Fourty

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My thoughts were quickly changed as we started to head back. Since we weren't running, it took much longer to get back. When we got back to the motel, the three of us crouched in silence as we watched groups spread out into the woods. Once they got far enough, we quietly moved to the side of the building. Peter took a glance around the corner.

"There's three people out there. I need you to walk out there, pretending like you're surrendering. None of them have radios on them to contact the other groups. They'll ask you where me and Jacob are. Just stay silent and change the subject. Jacob and I will sneak up on the two furthest ones and rush in to take out the one you'll be face to face with." I nodded and watched the two quietly walk to their positions.

I waited at the edge of the wall as Peter and Jacob took their positions. Peter gave the signal. I walked out with great confidence as I started the plan off. They asked me exactly what Peter said. So I stayed silent and asked the one how his day was going. I saw Peter and Jacob swiftly knock the two guards out as I was asking the question. Peter quickly stalked up behind the guard I was facing. The guard gave me a confused look to my question. He opened his mouth to say something but Peter put his arm around the guards throat and strangled him. 

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