Part Forty-one

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Jacob whistled Peter and I over. Peter quickly unlocked the car to let us get in. This time, Jacob wasn't getting in the car. I did not want to lose both Sean and Jacob. They were my best friends. Now I have to say bye to both. He walked up to me and kissed me forehead. "I'm sorry," he said before turning away. I wiped a tear from my eye before I got into the car.

Peter said his goodbyes to Jacob before entering the car. He turned the ignition and pulled away. Before we drove too far, I saw Jacob get surrounded by a group that had come back from searching the forest. Unable to watch, I turned my gaze to the road in front of us. So much had just happened in less than twelve hours. We escaped but Sean stayed behind, we were forced into the woods. After that we came up with a way to get back, we took out the guards who were stopping us from walking up and leaving, then we escaped again but Jacob stayed behind. I started to cry as I thought about it more and more.

"Life can be full of unexpected things, like Sean and Jacob's decision to stay, either happy or sad. But, no matter what things may happen, just always keep your loving heart, your wise mind, and a strong faith to do the right thing. After today, don't dwell in your past. You need to move on knowing that both Sean and Jacob would be willing to relive this all over again if they wanted to." Peter said in a soothing tone. He was right. I looked over to him and smiled seeing him smile. What he said made me feel better about how Sean and Jacob stayed behind.

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