Part Thirty-two

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I sat in silence for another few moments before I heard Peter start to shift. I looked over to see he was trying to sit up. Ignoring the pain in my back, I moved over and helped him up. I carefully leaned him against the wall once he was sitting up. I looked down to see what his bruise looked like. The one visible bruise, from my angle, was worse than the state it was in the day before. Sean soon walked in.

Sean grabbed the medical kit along with the materials that were on top. He first changed the bandages for my back. It hurt slightly as Sean pulled off the first bandage that had the most blood on it. The rest were better to pull off. It felt even better when the new bandages were placed. Sean then moved over to Peter. The wounds on Peter's back were healing very fast. This allowed Sean to take off the bandages completely. Sean then took the tensor bandage and wrapped it around Peter's ribs. He also gave Peter a new dress shirt and handed his jacket back to him.

"You have a meeting. Your division heard about what they did to you. They called a meeting to talk to them about how part of the agreement was to make sure you weren't hurt by them." Sean said quietly but loud enough that I could hear as well. Peter only nodded. He tried to stand up on his own.

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